
Package pirates

import "joueur/games/pirates"

Overview ▾

Package pirates contains all the interfaces and AI that are required to represent and play Pirates.

Pirates Game Info ▾

Steal from merchants and become the most infamous pirate.

More Info

The full game rules for Pirates can be found on GitHub.

Additional materials, such as the story and game template can be found on GitHub as well.


TileDirections are all the direction strings that Tile's neighbors can be in.

var TileDirections = [...]string{"North", "South", "East", "West"}

func PlayerName

func PlayerName() string

PlayerName should return the string name of your Player in games it plays.

type AI

AI is your personal AI implimentation.

type AI struct {

func (*AI) Ended

func (ai *AI) Ended(won bool, reason string)

Ended is called when the game ends, you can clean up your data and dump files here if need be.

func (*AI) Game

func (ai *AI) Game() Game

Game returns the instance of the Game this AI is currently playing.

func (*AI) GameUpdated

func (ai *AI) GameUpdated()

GameUpdated is called every time the game's state updates, so if you are tracking anything you can update it here.

func (*AI) Player

func (ai *AI) Player() Player

Player returns the instance of the Player this AI is represented by in the game this AI is playing.

func (*AI) RunTurn

func (ai *AI) RunTurn() bool

RunTurn this is called every time it is this AI.player's turn.

func (*AI) Start

func (ai *AI) Start()

Start is called once the game starts and your AI has a Player and Game. You can initialize your AI struct here.

type Game

Game is steal from merchants and become the most infamous pirate.

type Game interface {
    // Parent interfaces

    // BuryInterestRate is the rate buried gold increases each turn.
    BuryInterestRate() float64

    // CrewCost is how much gold it costs to construct a single crew.
    CrewCost() int64

    // CrewDamage is how much damage crew deal to each other.
    CrewDamage() int64

    // CrewHealth is the maximum amount of health a crew member can
    // have.
    CrewHealth() int64

    // CrewMoves is the number of moves Units with only crew are given
    // each turn.
    CrewMoves() int64

    // CrewRange is a crew's attack range. Range is circular.
    CrewRange() float64

    // CurrentPlayer is the player whose turn it is currently. That
    // player can send commands. Other players cannot.
    CurrentPlayer() Player

    // CurrentTurn is the current turn number, starting at 0 for the
    // first player's turn.
    CurrentTurn() int64

    // GameObjects is a mapping of every game object's ID to the
    // actual game object. Primarily used by the server and client to
    // easily refer to the game objects via ID.
    GameObjects() map[string]GameObject

    // HealFactor is how much health a Unit recovers when they rest.
    HealFactor() float64

    // MapHeight is the number of Tiles in the map along the y
    // (vertical) axis.
    MapHeight() int64

    // MapWidth is the number of Tiles in the map along the x
    // (horizontal) axis.
    MapWidth() int64

    // MaxTurns is the maximum number of turns before the game will
    // automatically end.
    MaxTurns() int64

    // MerchantGoldRate is how much gold merchant Ports get each turn.
    MerchantGoldRate() float64

    // MerchantInterestRate is when a merchant ship spawns, the amount
    // of additional gold it has relative to the Port's investment.
    MerchantInterestRate() float64

    // MinInterestDistance is the Euclidean distance buried gold must
    // be from the Player's Port to accumulate interest.
    MinInterestDistance() float64

    // Players is array of all the players in the game.
    Players() []Player

    // Ports is every Port in the game. Merchant ports have owner set
    // to nil.
    Ports() []Port

    // RestRange is how far a Unit can be from a Port to rest. Range
    // is circular.
    RestRange() float64

    // Session is a unique identifier for the game instance that is
    // being played.
    Session() string

    // ShipCost is how much gold it costs to construct a ship.
    ShipCost() int64

    // ShipDamage is how much damage ships deal to ships and ports.
    ShipDamage() int64

    // ShipHealth is the maximum amount of health a ship can have.
    ShipHealth() int64

    // ShipMoves is the number of moves Units with ships are given
    // each turn.
    ShipMoves() int64

    // ShipRange is a ship's attack range. Range is circular.
    ShipRange() float64

    // Tiles is all the tiles in the map, stored in Row-major order.
    // Use `x + y * mapWidth` to access the correct index.
    Tiles() []Tile

    // TimeAddedPerTurn is the amount of time (in nano-seconds) added
    // after each player performs a turn.
    TimeAddedPerTurn() float64

    // Units is every Unit in the game. Merchant units have targetPort
    // set to a port.
    Units() []Unit

    // GetTileAt returns the Tile at a give position (x, y).
    GetTileAt(int64, int64) Tile

type GameObject

GameObject is an object in the game. The most basic class that all game classes should inherit from automatically.

type GameObject interface {
    // Parent interfaces

    // Logs is any strings logged will be stored here. Intended for
    // debugging.
    Logs() []string

    // Log adds a message to this GameObject's logs. Intended for your
    // own debugging purposes, as strings stored here are saved in the
    // gamelog.

type Player

Player is a player in this game. Every AI controls one player.

type Player interface {
    // Parent interfaces

    // ClientType is what type of client this is, e.g. 'Python',
    // 'JavaScript', or some other language. For potential data mining
    // purposes.
    ClientType() string

    // Gold is the amount of gold this Player has in reserve.
    Gold() int64

    // Infamy is the amount of infamy this Player has.
    Infamy() int64

    // Lost is if the player lost the game or not.
    Lost() bool

    // Name is the name of the player.
    Name() string

    // Opponent is this player's opponent in the game.
    Opponent() Player

    // Port is the Port owned by this Player.
    Port() Port

    // ReasonLost is the reason why the player lost the game.
    ReasonLost() string

    // ReasonWon is the reason why the player won the game.
    ReasonWon() string

    // TimeRemaining is the amount of time (in ns) remaining for this
    // AI to send commands.
    TimeRemaining() float64

    // Units is every Unit owned by this Player.
    Units() []Unit

    // Won is if the player won the game or not.
    Won() bool

type Port

Port is a port on a Tile.

type Port interface {
    // Parent interfaces

    // Gold is for players, how much more gold this Port can spend
    // this turn. For merchants, how much gold this Port has
    // accumulated (it will spawn a ship when the Port can afford
    // one).
    Gold() int64

    // Investment is (Merchants only) How much gold was invested into
    // this Port. Investment determines the strength and value of the
    // next ship.
    Investment() int64

    // Owner is the owner of this Port, or nil if owned by merchants.
    // Value can be returned as a nil pointer.
    Owner() Player

    // Tile is the Tile this Port is on.
    Tile() Tile

    // Spawn spawn a Unit on this port.
    Spawn(string) bool

type Tile

Tile is a Tile in the game that makes up the 2D map grid.

type Tile interface {
    // Parent interfaces

    // Decoration is (Visualizer only) Whether this tile is deep sea
    // or grassy. This has no effect on gameplay, but feel free to use
    // it if you want.
    Decoration() bool

    // Gold is the amount of gold buried on this tile.
    Gold() int64

    // Port is the Port on this Tile if present, otherwise nil.
    // Value can be returned as a nil pointer.
    Port() Port

    // TileEast is the Tile to the 'East' of this one (x+1, y). Nil if
    // out of bounds of the map.
    // Value can be returned as a nil pointer.
    TileEast() Tile

    // TileNorth is the Tile to the 'North' of this one (x, y-1). Nil
    // if out of bounds of the map.
    // Value can be returned as a nil pointer.
    TileNorth() Tile

    // TileSouth is the Tile to the 'South' of this one (x, y+1). Nil
    // if out of bounds of the map.
    // Value can be returned as a nil pointer.
    TileSouth() Tile

    // TileWest is the Tile to the 'West' of this one (x-1, y). Nil if
    // out of bounds of the map.
    // Value can be returned as a nil pointer.
    TileWest() Tile

    // Type is the type of Tile this is ('water' or 'land').
    // Literal Values: "water" or "land"
    Type() string

    // Unit is the Unit on this Tile if present, otherwise nil.
    // Value can be returned as a nil pointer.
    Unit() Unit

    // X is the x (horizontal) position of this Tile.
    X() int64

    // Y is the y (vertical) position of this Tile.
    Y() int64

    // GetNeighbors returns an array of the neighbors of this Tile.
    GetNeighbors() []Tile

    // IsPathable returns if the Tile is pathable for FindPath
    IsPathable() bool

    // HasNeighbor checks if this Tile has a specific neighboring Tile.
    HasNeighbor(Tile) bool

type Unit

Unit is a unit group in the game. This may consist of a ship and any number of crew.

type Unit interface {
    // Parent interfaces

    // Acted is whether this Unit has performed its action this turn.
    Acted() bool

    // Crew is how many crew are on this Tile. This number will always
    // be <= crewHealth.
    Crew() int64

    // CrewHealth is how much total health the crew on this Tile have.
    CrewHealth() int64

    // Gold is how much gold this Unit is carrying.
    Gold() int64

    // Moves is how many more times this Unit may move this turn.
    Moves() int64

    // Owner is the Player that owns and can control this Unit, or nil
    // if the Unit is neutral.
    // Value can be returned as a nil pointer.
    Owner() Player

    // Path is (Merchants only) The path this Unit will follow. The
    // first element is the Tile this Unit will move to next.
    Path() []Tile

    // ShipHealth is if a ship is on this Tile, how much health it has
    // remaining. 0 for no ship.
    ShipHealth() int64

    // StunTurns is (Merchants only) The number of turns this merchant
    // ship won't be able to move. They will still attack. Merchant
    // ships are stunned when they're attacked.
    StunTurns() int64

    // TargetPort is (Merchants only) The Port this Unit is moving to.
    // Value can be returned as a nil pointer.
    TargetPort() Port

    // Tile is the Tile this Unit is on.
    // Value can be returned as a nil pointer.
    Tile() Tile

    // Attack attacks either the 'crew' or 'ship' on a Tile in range.
    Attack(Tile, string) bool

    // Bury buries gold on this Unit's Tile. Gold must be a certain
    // distance away for it to get interest
    // (Game.minInterestDistance).
    Bury(int64) bool

    // Deposit puts gold into an adjacent Port. If that Port is the
    // Player's port, the gold is added to that Player. If that Port
    // is owned by merchants, it adds to that Port's investment.
    Deposit(int64) bool

    // Dig digs up gold on this Unit's Tile.
    Dig(int64) bool

    // Move moves this Unit from its current Tile to an adjacent Tile.
    // If this Unit merges with another one, the other Unit will be
    // destroyed and its tile will be set to nil. Make sure to check
    // that your Unit's tile is not nil before doing things with it.
    Move(Tile) bool

    // Rest regenerates this Unit's health. Must be used in range of a
    // port.
    Rest() bool

    // Split moves a number of crew from this Unit to the given Tile.
    // This will consume a move from those crew.
    Split(Tile, int64, int64) bool

    // Withdraw takes gold from the Player. You can only withdraw from
    // your own Port.
    Withdraw(int64) bool