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Java Joueur Client Documentation

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act(Tile) - Method in class games.newtonian.Unit
Makes the unit do something to a machine or unit adjacent to its tile.
act(Tile) - Method in class games.saloon.Cowboy
Defaults the value for the optional arg 'drunkDirection' to '""'
act(Tile, String) - Method in class games.saloon.Cowboy
Does their job's action on a Tile.
acted - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Unit
Whether this Unit has performed its action this turn.
acted - Variable in class games.necrowar.Unit
Whether or not this Unit has performed its action this turn (attack or build).
acted - Variable in class games.newtonian.Unit
Whether or not this Unit has performed its action this turn.
acted - Variable in class games.pirates.Unit
Whether this Unit has performed its action this turn.
acted - Variable in class games.stardash.Unit
Whether or not this Unit has performed its action this turn.
actionCost - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Job
The amount of energy this Job normally uses to perform its actions.
actions - Variable in class games.stumped.Beaver
The number of actions remaining for the Beaver this turn.
actions - Variable in class games.stumped.Job
The number of actions this Job can make per turn.
AI - Class in games.anarchy
This is where you build your AI for the Anarchy game.
AI() - Constructor for class games.anarchy.AI
AI - Class in games.catastrophe
This is where you build your AI for the Catastrophe game.
AI() - Constructor for class games.catastrophe.AI
AI - Class in games.checkers
This is where you build your AI for the Checkers game.
AI() - Constructor for class games.checkers.AI
AI - Class in games.chess
This is where you build your AI for the Chess game.
AI() - Constructor for class games.chess.AI
AI - Class in games.coreminer
This is where you build your AI for the Coreminer game.
AI() - Constructor for class games.coreminer.AI
AI - Class in games.necrowar
This is where you build your AI for the Necrowar game.
AI() - Constructor for class games.necrowar.AI
AI - Class in games.newtonian
This is where you build your AI for the Newtonian game.
AI() - Constructor for class games.newtonian.AI
AI - Class in games.pirates
This is where you build your AI for the Pirates game.
AI() - Constructor for class games.pirates.AI
AI - Class in games.saloon
This is where you build your AI for the Saloon game.
AI() - Constructor for class games.saloon.AI
AI - Class in games.spiders
This is where you build your AI for the Spiders game.
AI() - Constructor for class games.spiders.AI
AI - Class in games.stardash
This is where you build your AI for the Stardash game.
AI() - Constructor for class games.stardash.AI
AI - Class in games.stumped
This is where you build your AI for the Stumped game.
AI() - Constructor for class games.stumped.AI
allUnits - Variable in class games.necrowar.tJob
Whether this tower type hits all of the units on a tile (true) or one at a time (false).
allUnits - Variable in class games.necrowar.TowerJob
Whether this tower type hits all of the units on a tile (true) or one at a time (false).
amount - Variable in class games.stardash.Body
The amount of material the object has, or energy if it is a planet.
attack(Tile) - Method in class games.catastrophe.Unit
Attacks an adjacent Tile.
attack(Tile) - Method in class games.necrowar.Tower
Attacks an enemy unit on an tile within it's range.
attack(Tile) - Method in class games.necrowar.Unit
Attacks an enemy tower on an adjacent tile.
attack(Tile) - Method in class games.newtonian.Unit
Attacks a unit on an adjacent tile.
attack(Tile, String) - Method in class games.pirates.Unit
Attacks either the 'crew' or 'ship' on a Tile in range.
attack(Spiderling) - Method in class games.spiders.Spiderling
Attacks another Spiderling.
attack(Unit) - Method in class games.stardash.Unit
Attacks the specified unit.
attack(Beaver) - Method in class games.stumped.Beaver
Attacks another adjacent beaver.
attacked - Variable in class games.necrowar.Tower
Whether this tower has attacked this turn or not.


bartenderCooldown - Variable in class games.saloon.Game
How many turns a Bartender will be busy for after throwing a Bottle.
baseBribesPerTurn - Variable in class games.anarchy.Game
How many bribes players get at the beginning of their turn, not counting their burned down Buildings.
baseTile - Variable in class games.coreminer.Player
The Tile this Player's base is on.
Beaver - Class in games.stumped
A beaver in the game.
beaver - Variable in class games.stumped.Tile
The Beaver on this Tile if present, otherwise null.
beavers - Variable in class games.stumped.Game
Every Beaver in the game.
beavers - Variable in class games.stumped.Player
The list of Beavers owned by this Player.
blueium - Variable in class games.newtonian.Tile
The amount of blueium on this tile.
blueium - Variable in class games.newtonian.Unit
The amount of blueium carried by this unit.
blueiumOre - Variable in class games.newtonian.Tile
The amount of blueium ore on this tile.
blueiumOre - Variable in class games.newtonian.Unit
The amount of blueium ore carried by this unit.
boardHeight - Variable in class games.checkers.Game
The height of the board for the Y component of a checker.
boardWidth - Variable in class games.checkers.Game
The width of the board for X component of a checker.
bodies - Variable in class games.stardash.Game
All the celestial bodies in the game.
Body - Class in games.stardash
A celestial body located within the game.
bodyType - Variable in class games.stardash.Body
The type of celestial body it is.
Bomb - Class in games.coreminer
A Bomb in the game.
bombPrice - Variable in class games.coreminer.Game
The monetary price of a bomb when bought or sold.
bombs - Variable in class games.coreminer.Game
Every Bomb in the game.
bombs - Variable in class games.coreminer.Miner
The number of bombs being carried by this Miner.
bombs - Variable in class games.coreminer.Player
Every Bomb owned by this Player.
bombs - Variable in class games.coreminer.Tile
An array of Bombs on this Tile.
bombSize - Variable in class games.coreminer.Game
The amount of cargo space taken up by a Bomb.
Bottle - Class in games.saloon
A bottle thrown by a bartender at a Tile.
bottle - Variable in class games.saloon.Tile
The beer Bottle currently flying over this Tile, null otherwise.
bottles - Variable in class games.saloon.Game
All the beer Bottles currently flying across the saloon in the game.
branches - Variable in class games.stumped.Beaver
The amount of branches this Beaver is holding.
branches - Variable in class games.stumped.Tile
The number of branches dropped on this Tile.
branchesToBuildLodge - Variable in class games.stumped.Player
How many branches are required to build a lodge for this Player.
brawlerDamage - Variable in class games.saloon.Game
How much damage is applied to neighboring things bit by the Sharpshooter between turns.
bribed - Variable in class games.anarchy.Building
When true this building has already been bribed this turn and cannot be bribed again this turn.
bribesRemaining - Variable in class games.anarchy.Player
How many bribes this player has remaining to use during their turn.
BroodMother - Class in games.spiders
The Spider Queen.
broodMother - Variable in class games.spiders.Player
This player's BroodMother.
build(Tile, String) - Method in class games.coreminer.Miner
Builds a support, shield, or ladder on Miner's Tile, or an adjacent Tile.
build(String) - Method in class games.necrowar.Unit
Unit, if it is a worker, builds a tower on the tile it is on, only workers can do this.
Building - Class in games.anarchy
A basic building.
buildingEast - Variable in class games.anarchy.Building
The Building directly to the east of this building, or null if not present.
buildingMaterialPrice - Variable in class games.coreminer.Game
The monetary price of building materials when bought.
buildingMaterials - Variable in class games.coreminer.Miner
The number of building materials carried by this Miner.
buildingNorth - Variable in class games.anarchy.Building
The Building directly to the north of this building, or null if not present.
buildings - Variable in class games.anarchy.Game
All the buildings in the game.
buildings - Variable in class games.anarchy.Player
All the buildings owned by this player.
buildingSouth - Variable in class games.anarchy.Building
The Building directly to the south of this building, or null if not present.
buildingWest - Variable in class games.anarchy.Building
The Building directly to the west of this building, or null if not present.
buildLodge() - Method in class games.stumped.Beaver
Builds a lodge on the Beavers current Tile.
bury(int) - Method in class games.pirates.Unit
Buries gold on this Unit's Tile.
buryInterestRate - Variable in class games.pirates.Game
The rate buried gold increases each turn.
busy - Variable in class games.spiders.Spiderling
When empty string this Spiderling is not busy, and can act.
buy(String, int) - Method in class games.coreminer.Miner
Purchase a resource from the Player's base or hopper.


callIn(String) - Method in class games.saloon.YoungGun
Tells the YoungGun to call in a new Cowboy of the given job to the open Tile nearest to them.
callInTile - Variable in class games.saloon.YoungGun
The Tile that a Cowboy will be called in on if this YoungGun calls in a Cowboy.
canCallIn - Variable in class games.saloon.YoungGun
True if the YoungGun can call in a Cowboy, false otherwise.
canMove - Variable in class games.saloon.Cowboy
If the Cowboy can be moved this turn via its owner.
cargoCapacity - Variable in class games.coreminer.Upgrade
The amount of cargo capacity this Upgrade has.
carryLimit - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Job
How many combined resources a Unit with this Job can hold at once.
carryLimit - Variable in class games.newtonian.Job
How many combined resources a unit with this Job can hold at once.
carryLimit - Variable in class games.stardash.Job
How many combined resources a unit with this Job can hold at once.
carryLimit - Variable in class games.stumped.Job
How many combined resources a beaver with this Job can hold at once.
cat - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Player
The overlord cat Unit owned by this Player.
catEnergyMult - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Game
The multiplier for the amount of energy regenerated when resting in a shelter with the cat overlord.
changeJob(String) - Method in class games.catastrophe.Unit
Changes this Unit's Job.
Checker - Class in games.checkers
A checker on the game board.
checkerMoved - Variable in class games.checkers.Game
The checker that last moved and must be moved because only one checker can move during each players turn.
checkerMovedJumped - Variable in class games.checkers.Game
If the last checker that moved jumped, meaning it can move again.
checkers - Variable in class games.checkers.Game
All the checkers currently in the game.
checkers - Variable in class games.checkers.Player
All the checkers currently in the game owned by this player.
chopping - Variable in class games.stumped.Job
Scalar for how many branches this Job harvests at once.
clientType - Variable in class games.anarchy.Player
What type of client this is, e.g.
clientType - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Player
What type of client this is, e.g.
clientType - Variable in class games.checkers.Player
What type of client this is, e.g.
clientType - Variable in class games.chess.Player
What type of client this is, e.g.
clientType - Variable in class games.coreminer.Player
What type of client this is, e.g.
clientType - Variable in class games.necrowar.Player
What type of client this is, e.g.
clientType - Variable in class games.newtonian.Player
What type of client this is, e.g.
clientType - Variable in class games.pirates.Player
What type of client this is, e.g.
clientType - Variable in class games.saloon.Player
What type of client this is, e.g.
clientType - Variable in class games.spiders.Player
What type of client this is, e.g.
clientType - Variable in class games.stardash.Player
What type of client this is, e.g.
clientType - Variable in class games.stumped.Player
What type of client this is, e.g.
color - Variable in class games.chess.Player
The color (side) of this player.
construct(Tile, String) - Method in class games.catastrophe.Unit
Constructs a Structure on an adjacent Tile.
consume(Spiderling) - Method in class games.spiders.BroodMother
Consumes a Spiderling of the same owner to regain some eggs to spawn more Spiderlings.
controllingPlayer - Variable in class games.anarchy.Forecast
The Player that can use WeatherStations to control this Forecast when its the nextForecast.
controllingPlayer - Variable in class games.spiders.Nest
The Player that 'controls' this Nest as they have the most Spiders on this nest.
convert(Tile) - Method in class games.catastrophe.Unit
Converts an adjacent Unit to your side.
cooldown - Variable in class games.necrowar.Tower
How many turns are left before it can fire again.
corpses - Variable in class games.necrowar.Tile
The amount of corpses on this tile.
cost - Variable in class games.stumped.Job
How much food this Job costs to recruit.
Cowboy - Class in games.saloon
A person on the map that can move around and interact within the saloon.
cowboy - Variable in class games.saloon.Tile
The Cowboy that is on this Tile, null otherwise.
cowboys - Variable in class games.saloon.Game
Every Cowboy in the game.
cowboys - Variable in class games.saloon.Player
Every Cowboy owned by this Player.
crew - Variable in class games.pirates.Unit
How many crew are on this Tile.
crewCost - Variable in class games.pirates.Game
How much gold it costs to construct a single crew.
crewDamage - Variable in class games.pirates.Game
How much damage crew deal to each other.
crewHealth - Variable in class games.pirates.Game
The maximum amount of health a crew member can have.
crewHealth - Variable in class games.pirates.Unit
How much total health the crew on this Tile have.
crewMoves - Variable in class games.pirates.Game
The number of moves Units with only crew are given each turn.
crewRange - Variable in class games.pirates.Game
A crew's attack range.
currentForecast - Variable in class games.anarchy.Game
The current Forecast, which will be applied at the end of the turn.
currentPlayer - Variable in class games.anarchy.Game
The player whose turn it is currently.
currentPlayer - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Game
The player whose turn it is currently.
currentPlayer - Variable in class games.checkers.Game
The player whose turn it is currently.
currentPlayer - Variable in class games.coreminer.Game
The player whose turn it is currently.
currentPlayer - Variable in class games.necrowar.Game
The player whose turn it is currently.
currentPlayer - Variable in class games.newtonian.Game
The player whose turn it is currently.
currentPlayer - Variable in class games.pirates.Game
The player whose turn it is currently.
currentPlayer - Variable in class games.saloon.Game
The player whose turn it is currently.
currentPlayer - Variable in class games.spiders.Game
The player whose turn it is currently.
currentPlayer - Variable in class games.stardash.Game
The player whose turn it is currently.
currentPlayer - Variable in class games.stumped.Game
The player whose turn it is currently.
currentTurn - Variable in class games.anarchy.Game
The current turn number, starting at 0 for the first player's turn.
currentTurn - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Game
The current turn number, starting at 0 for the first player's turn.
currentTurn - Variable in class games.checkers.Game
The current turn number, starting at 0 for the first player's turn.
currentTurn - Variable in class games.coreminer.Game
The current turn number, starting at 0 for the first player's turn.
currentTurn - Variable in class games.necrowar.Game
The current turn number, starting at 0 for the first player's turn.
currentTurn - Variable in class games.newtonian.Game
The current turn number, starting at 0 for the first player's turn.
currentTurn - Variable in class games.pirates.Game
The current turn number, starting at 0 for the first player's turn.
currentTurn - Variable in class games.saloon.Game
The current turn number, starting at 0 for the first player's turn.
currentTurn - Variable in class games.spiders.Game
The current turn number, starting at 0 for the first player's turn.
currentTurn - Variable in class games.stardash.Game
The current turn number, starting at 0 for the first player's turn.
currentTurn - Variable in class games.stumped.Game
The current turn number, starting at 0 for the first player's turn.
currentUpgrade - Variable in class games.coreminer.Miner
The Upgrade this Miner is on.
cut(Web) - Method in class games.spiders.Cutter
Cuts a web, destroying it, and any Spiderlings on it.
cutSpeed - Variable in class games.spiders.Game
The speed at which Cutters work to do cut Webs.
Cutter - Class in games.spiders
A Spiderling that can cut existing Webs.
cuttingWeb - Variable in class games.spiders.Cutter
The Web that this Cutter is trying to cut.


damage - Variable in class games.necrowar.tJob
The amount of damage this type does per attack.
damage - Variable in class games.necrowar.TowerJob
The amount of damage this type does per attack.
damage - Variable in class games.necrowar.uJob
The amount of damage this type does per attack.
damage - Variable in class games.necrowar.UnitJob
The amount of damage this type does per attack.
damage - Variable in class games.newtonian.Job
The amount of damage this Job does per attack.
damage - Variable in class games.stardash.Job
The amount of damage this Job does per attack.
damage - Variable in class games.stumped.Job
The amount of damage this Job does per attack.
dash(double, double) - Method in class games.stardash.Unit
Causes the unit to dash towards the designated destination.
dashCost - Variable in class games.stardash.Game
The cost of dashing.
dashDistance - Variable in class games.stardash.Game
The distance traveled each turn by dashing.
dashX - Variable in class games.stardash.Unit
The x value this unit is dashing to.
dashY - Variable in class games.stardash.Unit
The y value this unit is dashing to.
deconstruct(Tile) - Method in class games.catastrophe.Unit
Removes materials from an adjacent Tile's Structure.
decoration - Variable in class games.newtonian.Tile
(Visualizer only) Different tile types, cracked, slightly dirty, etc.
decoration - Variable in class games.pirates.Tile
(Visualizer only) Whether this tile is deep sea or grassy.
deposit() - Method in class games.pirates.Unit
Defaults the value for the optional arg 'amount' to '0'
deposit(int) - Method in class games.pirates.Unit
Puts gold into an adjacent Port.
dig() - Method in class games.pirates.Unit
Defaults the value for the optional arg 'amount' to '0'
dig(int) - Method in class games.pirates.Unit
Digs up gold on this Unit's Tile.
direction - Variable in class games.anarchy.Forecast
The direction the wind will blow fires in.
direction - Variable in class games.newtonian.Tile
The direction of a conveyor belt ('blank', 'north', 'east', 'south', or 'west').
direction - Variable in class games.saloon.Bottle
The Direction this Bottle is flying and will move to between turns, can be 'North', 'East', 'South', or 'West'.
dirt - Variable in class games.coreminer.Miner
The amount of dirt carried by this Miner.
dirt - Variable in class games.coreminer.Tile
The amount of dirt on this Tile.
dirtPrice - Variable in class games.coreminer.Game
The monetary price of dirt when bought or sold.
distractionPower - Variable in class games.stumped.Job
How many turns a beaver attacked by this Job is distracted by.
drop(Tile, String) - Method in class games.catastrophe.Unit
Defaults the value for the optional arg 'amount' to '0'
drop(Tile, String, int) - Method in class games.catastrophe.Unit
Drops some of the given resource on or adjacent to the Unit's Tile.
drop(Tile, int, String) - Method in class games.newtonian.Unit
Drops materials at the units feet or adjacent tile.
drop(Tile, String) - Method in class games.stumped.Beaver
Defaults the value for the optional arg 'amount' to '0'
drop(Tile, String, int) - Method in class games.stumped.Beaver
Drops some of the given resource on the beaver's Tile.
drunkDirection - Variable in class games.saloon.Bottle
The direction any Cowboys hit by this will move, can be 'North', 'East', 'South', or 'West'.
drunkDirection - Variable in class games.saloon.Cowboy
The direction this Cowboy is moving while drunk.
dump(Tile, String, int) - Method in class games.coreminer.Miner
Dumps materials from cargo to an adjacent Tile.


effectRadius - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Structure
The range of this Structure's effect.
eggs - Variable in class games.spiders.BroodMother
How many eggs the BroodMother has to spawn Spiderlings this turn.
eggsScalar - Variable in class games.spiders.Game
Constant used to calculate how many eggs BroodMothers get on their owner's turns.
ended(boolean, String) - Method in class games.anarchy.AI
This is automatically called when the game ends.
ended(boolean, String) - Method in class games.catastrophe.AI
This is automatically called when the game ends.
ended(boolean, String) - Method in class games.checkers.AI
This is automatically called when the game ends.
ended(boolean, String) - Method in class games.chess.AI
This is automatically called when the game ends.
ended(boolean, String) - Method in class games.coreminer.AI
This is automatically called when the game ends.
ended(boolean, String) - Method in class games.necrowar.AI
This is automatically called when the game ends.
ended(boolean, String) - Method in class games.newtonian.AI
This is automatically called when the game ends.
ended(boolean, String) - Method in class games.pirates.AI
This is automatically called when the game ends.
ended(boolean, String) - Method in class games.saloon.AI
This is automatically called when the game ends.
ended(boolean, String) - Method in class games.spiders.AI
This is automatically called when the game ends.
ended(boolean, String) - Method in class games.stardash.AI
This is automatically called when the game ends.
ended(boolean, String) - Method in class games.stumped.AI
This is automatically called when the game ends.
energy - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Unit
The amount of energy this Unit has (from 0.0 to 100.0).
energy - Variable in class games.stardash.Job
The amount of starting health this Job has.
energy - Variable in class games.stardash.Projectile
The remaining health of the projectile.
energy - Variable in class games.stardash.Unit
The remaining health of the unit.
exposure - Variable in class games.anarchy.Warehouse
How exposed the anarchists in this warehouse are to PoliceDepartments.
extinguish(Building) - Method in class games.anarchy.FireDepartment
Bribes this FireDepartment to extinguish the some of the fire in a building.


fallDamage - Variable in class games.coreminer.Game
The amount of damage taken per Tile fallen.
fallWeightDamage - Variable in class games.coreminer.Game
The amount of extra damage taken for falling while carrying a large amount of cargo.
fen - Variable in class games.chess.Game
Forsyth-Edwards Notation (fen), a notation that describes the game board state.
fire - Variable in class games.anarchy.Building
How much fire is currently burning the building, and thus how much damage it will take at the end of its owner's turn.
fireAdded - Variable in class games.anarchy.Warehouse
The amount of fire added to buildings when bribed to ignite a building.
FireDepartment - Class in games.anarchy
Can put out fires completely.
fireDepartments - Variable in class games.anarchy.Player
All the FireDepartments owned by this player.
fireExtinguished - Variable in class games.anarchy.FireDepartment
The amount of fire removed from a building when bribed to extinguish a building.
fish(Tile) - Method in class games.necrowar.Unit
Stops adjacent to a river tile and begins fishing for mana.
flowDirection - Variable in class games.stumped.Tile
The cardinal direction water is flowing on this Tile ('North', 'East', 'South', 'West').
focus - Variable in class games.saloon.Cowboy
How much focus this Cowboy has.
food - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Player
The amount of food owned by this player.
food - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Tile
The number of food dropped on this Tile.
food - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Unit
The amount of food this Unit is holding.
food - Variable in class games.stumped.Beaver
The amount of food this Beaver is holding.
food - Variable in class games.stumped.Tile
The number of food dropped on this Tile.
Forecast - Class in games.anarchy
The weather effect that will be applied at the end of a turn, which causes fires to spread.
forecasts - Variable in class games.anarchy.Game
All the forecasts in the game, indexed by turn number.
freeBeaversCount - Variable in class games.stumped.Game
When a Player has less Beavers than this number, then recruiting other Beavers is free.
fuel - Variable in class games.stardash.Projectile
The amount of remaining distance the projectile can move.
Furnishing - Class in games.saloon
An furnishing in the Saloon that must be pathed around, or destroyed.
furnishing - Variable in class games.saloon.Tile
The furnishing that is on this Tile, null otherwise.
furnishings - Variable in class games.saloon.Game
Every furnishing in the game.


game - Variable in class games.anarchy.AI
This is the Game object itself, it contains all the information about the current game
Game - Class in games.anarchy
Two player grid based game where each player tries to burn down the other player's buildings.
game - Variable in class games.catastrophe.AI
This is the Game object itself, it contains all the information about the current game
Game - Class in games.catastrophe
Convert as many humans to as you can to survive in this post-apocalyptic wasteland.
game - Variable in class games.checkers.AI
This is the Game object itself, it contains all the information about the current game
Game - Class in games.checkers
The simple version of American Checkers.
game - Variable in class games.chess.AI
This is the Game object itself, it contains all the information about the current game
Game - Class in games.chess
The traditional 8x8 chess board with pieces.
game - Variable in class games.coreminer.AI
This is the Game object itself, it contains all the information about the current game
Game - Class in games.coreminer
Mine resources to obtain more value than your opponent.
game - Variable in class games.necrowar.AI
This is the Game object itself, it contains all the information about the current game
Game - Class in games.necrowar
Send hordes of the undead at your opponent while defending yourself against theirs to win.
game - Variable in class games.newtonian.AI
This is the Game object itself, it contains all the information about the current game
Game - Class in games.newtonian
Combine elements and be the first scientists to create fusion.
game - Variable in class games.pirates.AI
This is the Game object itself, it contains all the information about the current game
Game - Class in games.pirates
Steal from merchants and become the most infamous pirate.
game - Variable in class games.saloon.AI
This is the Game object itself, it contains all the information about the current game
Game - Class in games.saloon
Use cowboys to have a good time and play some music on a Piano, while brawling with enemy Cowboys.
game - Variable in class games.spiders.AI
This is the Game object itself, it contains all the information about the current game
Game - Class in games.spiders
There's an infestation of enemy spiders challenging your queen BroodMother spider! Protect her and attack the other BroodMother in this turn based, node based, game.
game - Variable in class games.stardash.AI
This is the Game object itself, it contains all the information about the current game
Game - Class in games.stardash
Collect of the most of the rarest mineral orbiting around the sun and out-compete your competitor.
game - Variable in class games.stumped.AI
This is the Game object itself, it contains all the information about the current game
Game - Class in games.stumped
Gather branches and build up your lodge as beavers fight to survive.
GameObject - Class in games.anarchy
An object in the game.
GameObject - Class in games.catastrophe
An object in the game.
GameObject - Class in games.checkers
An object in the game.
GameObject - Class in games.chess
An object in the game.
GameObject - Class in games.coreminer
An object in the game.
GameObject - Class in games.necrowar
An object in the game.
GameObject - Class in games.newtonian
An object in the game.
GameObject - Class in games.pirates
An object in the game.
GameObject - Class in games.saloon
An object in the game.
GameObject - Class in games.spiders
An object in the game.
GameObject - Class in games.stardash
An object in the game.
GameObject - Class in games.stumped
An object in the game.
games.anarchy - package games.anarchy
Two player grid based game where each player tries to burn down the other player's buildings.
games.catastrophe - package games.catastrophe
Convert as many humans to as you can to survive in this post-apocalyptic wasteland.
games.checkers - package games.checkers
The simple version of American Checkers.
games.chess - package games.chess
The traditional 8x8 chess board with pieces.
games.coreminer - package games.coreminer
Mine resources to obtain more value than your opponent.
games.necrowar - package games.necrowar
Send hordes of the undead at your opponent while defending yourself against theirs to win.
games.newtonian - package games.newtonian
Combine elements and be the first scientists to create fusion.
games.pirates - package games.pirates
Steal from merchants and become the most infamous pirate.
games.saloon - package games.saloon
Use cowboys to have a good time and play some music on a Piano, while brawling with enemy Cowboys.
games.spiders - package games.spiders
There's an infestation of enemy spiders challenging your queen BroodMother spider! Protect her and attack the other BroodMother in this turn based, node based, game.
games.stardash - package games.stardash
Collect of the most of the rarest mineral orbiting around the sun and out-compete your competitor.
games.stumped - package games.stumped
Gather branches and build up your lodge as beavers fight to survive.
gameUpdated() - Method in class games.anarchy.AI
This is automatically called every time the game (or anything in it) updates.
gameUpdated() - Method in class games.catastrophe.AI
This is automatically called every time the game (or anything in it) updates.
gameUpdated() - Method in class games.checkers.AI
This is automatically called every time the game (or anything in it) updates.
gameUpdated() - Method in class games.chess.AI
This is automatically called every time the game (or anything in it) updates.
gameUpdated() - Method in class games.coreminer.AI
This is automatically called every time the game (or anything in it) updates.
gameUpdated() - Method in class games.necrowar.AI
This is automatically called every time the game (or anything in it) updates.
gameUpdated() - Method in class games.newtonian.AI
This is automatically called every time the game (or anything in it) updates.
gameUpdated() - Method in class games.pirates.AI
This is automatically called every time the game (or anything in it) updates.
gameUpdated() - Method in class games.saloon.AI
This is automatically called every time the game (or anything in it) updates.
gameUpdated() - Method in class games.spiders.AI
This is automatically called every time the game (or anything in it) updates.
gameUpdated() - Method in class games.stardash.AI
This is automatically called every time the game (or anything in it) updates.
gameUpdated() - Method in class games.stumped.AI
This is automatically called every time the game (or anything in it) updates.
gameVersion - Static variable in class games.anarchy.Game
The hash of the game version we have locally.
gameVersion - Static variable in class games.catastrophe.Game
The hash of the game version we have locally.
gameVersion - Static variable in class games.checkers.Game
The hash of the game version we have locally.
gameVersion - Static variable in class games.chess.Game
The hash of the game version we have locally.
gameVersion - Static variable in class games.coreminer.Game
The hash of the game version we have locally.
gameVersion - Static variable in class games.necrowar.Game
The hash of the game version we have locally.
gameVersion - Static variable in class games.newtonian.Game
The hash of the game version we have locally.
gameVersion - Static variable in class games.pirates.Game
The hash of the game version we have locally.
gameVersion - Static variable in class games.saloon.Game
The hash of the game version we have locally.
gameVersion - Static variable in class games.spiders.Game
The hash of the game version we have locally.
gameVersion - Static variable in class games.stardash.Game
The hash of the game version we have locally.
gameVersion - Static variable in class games.stumped.Game
The hash of the game version we have locally.
genarium - Variable in class games.stardash.Unit
The amount of Genarium ore carried by this unit.
genariumValue - Variable in class games.stardash.Game
The value of every unit of genarium.
generatorTiles - Variable in class games.newtonian.Player
Every generator Tile owned by this Player.
getName() - Method in class games.anarchy.AI
This returns your AI's name to the game server.
getName() - Method in class games.catastrophe.AI
This returns your AI's name to the game server.
getName() - Method in class games.checkers.AI
This returns your AI's name to the game server.
getName() - Method in class games.chess.AI
This returns your AI's name to the game server.
getName() - Method in class games.coreminer.AI
This returns your AI's name to the game server.
getName() - Method in class games.necrowar.AI
This returns your AI's name to the game server.
getName() - Method in class games.newtonian.AI
This returns your AI's name to the game server.
getName() - Method in class games.pirates.AI
This returns your AI's name to the game server.
getName() - Method in class games.saloon.AI
This returns your AI's name to the game server.
getName() - Method in class games.spiders.AI
This returns your AI's name to the game server.
getName() - Method in class games.stardash.AI
This returns your AI's name to the game server.
getName() - Method in class games.stumped.AI
This returns your AI's name to the game server.
getNeighbors() - Method in class games.catastrophe.Tile
Gets the neighbors of this Tile
getNeighbors() - Method in class games.coreminer.Tile
Gets the neighbors of this Tile
getNeighbors() - Method in class games.necrowar.Tile
Gets the neighbors of this Tile
getNeighbors() - Method in class games.newtonian.Tile
Gets the neighbors of this Tile
getNeighbors() - Method in class games.pirates.Tile
Gets the neighbors of this Tile
getNeighbors() - Method in class games.saloon.Tile
Gets the neighbors of this Tile
getNeighbors() - Method in class games.stumped.Tile
Gets the neighbors of this Tile
getSetting(String) - Method in class games.anarchy.AI
Gets an AI setting passed to the program via the `--aiSettings` flag.
getSetting(String) - Method in class games.catastrophe.AI
Gets an AI setting passed to the program via the `--aiSettings` flag.
getSetting(String) - Method in class games.checkers.AI
Gets an AI setting passed to the program via the `--aiSettings` flag.
getSetting(String) - Method in class games.chess.AI
Gets an AI setting passed to the program via the `--aiSettings` flag.
getSetting(String) - Method in class games.coreminer.AI
Gets an AI setting passed to the program via the `--aiSettings` flag.
getSetting(String) - Method in class games.necrowar.AI
Gets an AI setting passed to the program via the `--aiSettings` flag.
getSetting(String) - Method in class games.newtonian.AI
Gets an AI setting passed to the program via the `--aiSettings` flag.
getSetting(String) - Method in class games.pirates.AI
Gets an AI setting passed to the program via the `--aiSettings` flag.
getSetting(String) - Method in class games.saloon.AI
Gets an AI setting passed to the program via the `--aiSettings` flag.
getSetting(String) - Method in class games.spiders.AI
Gets an AI setting passed to the program via the `--aiSettings` flag.
getSetting(String) - Method in class games.stardash.AI
Gets an AI setting passed to the program via the `--aiSettings` flag.
getSetting(String) - Method in class games.stumped.AI
Gets an AI setting passed to the program via the `--aiSettings` flag.
getTileAt(int, int) - Method in class games.catastrophe.Game
Gets the Tile at a specified (x, y) position
getTileAt(int, int) - Method in class games.coreminer.Game
Gets the Tile at a specified (x, y) position
getTileAt(int, int) - Method in class games.necrowar.Game
Gets the Tile at a specified (x, y) position
getTileAt(int, int) - Method in class games.newtonian.Game
Gets the Tile at a specified (x, y) position
getTileAt(int, int) - Method in class games.pirates.Game
Gets the Tile at a specified (x, y) position
getTileAt(int, int) - Method in class games.saloon.Game
Gets the Tile at a specified (x, y) position
getTileAt(int, int) - Method in class games.stumped.Game
Gets the Tile at a specified (x, y) position
gold - Variable in class games.necrowar.Player
The amount of gold this Player has.
gold - Variable in class games.pirates.Player
The amount of gold this Player has in reserve.
gold - Variable in class games.pirates.Port
For players, how much more gold this Port can spend this turn.
gold - Variable in class games.pirates.Tile
The amount of gold buried on this tile.
gold - Variable in class games.pirates.Unit
How much gold this Unit is carrying.
goldCost - Variable in class games.necrowar.tJob
How much does this type cost in gold.
goldCost - Variable in class games.necrowar.TowerJob
How much does this type cost in gold.
goldCost - Variable in class games.necrowar.uJob
How much does this type cost in gold.
goldCost - Variable in class games.necrowar.UnitJob
How much does this type cost in gold.
goldIncomePerUnit - Variable in class games.necrowar.Game
The amount of gold income per turn per unit in a mine.
gotCaptured(Checker) - Method in class games.checkers.AI
This is called whenever your checker gets captured (during an opponent's turn).


harvest(Tile) - Method in class games.catastrophe.Unit
Harvests the food on an adjacent Tile.
harvest(Spawner) - Method in class games.stumped.Beaver
Harvests the branches or food from a Spawner on an adjacent Tile.
harvestCooldown - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Game
The amount of turns it takes for a Tile that was just harvested to grow food again.
harvestRate - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Tile
The amount of food that can be harvested from this Tile per turn.
hasBeenHarvested - Variable in class games.stumped.Spawner
True if this Spawner has been harvested this turn, and it will not heal at the end of the turn, false otherwise.
hasHazard - Variable in class games.saloon.Tile
If this Tile is pathable, but has a hazard that damages Cowboys that path through it.
hasNeighbor(Tile) - Method in class games.catastrophe.Tile
Checks if this Tile has a specific neighboring Tile
hasNeighbor(Tile) - Method in class games.coreminer.Tile
Checks if this Tile has a specific neighboring Tile
hasNeighbor(Tile) - Method in class games.necrowar.Tile
Checks if this Tile has a specific neighboring Tile
hasNeighbor(Tile) - Method in class games.newtonian.Tile
Checks if this Tile has a specific neighboring Tile
hasNeighbor(Tile) - Method in class games.pirates.Tile
Checks if this Tile has a specific neighboring Tile
hasNeighbor(Tile) - Method in class games.saloon.Tile
Checks if this Tile has a specific neighboring Tile
hasNeighbor(Tile) - Method in class games.stumped.Tile
Checks if this Tile has a specific neighboring Tile
headquarters - Variable in class games.anarchy.Player
The Warehouse that serves as this player's headquarters and has extra health.
healFactor - Variable in class games.pirates.Game
How much health a Unit recovers when they rest.
health - Variable in class games.anarchy.Building
How much health this building currently has.
health - Variable in class games.coreminer.Miner
The remaining health of this Miner.
health - Variable in class games.coreminer.Upgrade
The maximum amount of health this Upgrade has.
health - Variable in class games.necrowar.Player
The amount of health remaining for this player's main unit.
health - Variable in class games.necrowar.tJob
The amount of starting health this type has.
health - Variable in class games.necrowar.Tower
How much remaining health this tower has.
health - Variable in class games.necrowar.TowerJob
The amount of starting health this type has.
health - Variable in class games.necrowar.uJob
The amount of starting health this type has.
health - Variable in class games.necrowar.Unit
The remaining health of a unit.
health - Variable in class games.necrowar.UnitJob
The amount of starting health this type has.
health - Variable in class games.newtonian.Job
The amount of starting health this Job has.
health - Variable in class games.newtonian.Unit
The remaining health of a unit.
health - Variable in class games.saloon.Cowboy
How much health this Cowboy currently has.
health - Variable in class games.saloon.Furnishing
How much health this Furnishing currently has.
health - Variable in class games.spiders.BroodMother
How much health this BroodMother has left.
health - Variable in class games.stumped.Beaver
How much health this Beaver has left.
health - Variable in class games.stumped.Job
The amount of starting health this Job has.
health - Variable in class games.stumped.Spawner
How much health this Spawner has, which is used to calculate how much of its resource can be harvested.
heat - Variable in class games.newtonian.Player
The amount of heat this Player has.
history - Variable in class games.chess.Game
The list of [known] moves that have occurred in the game, in Universal Chess Interface (UCI) format.
homeBase - Variable in class games.necrowar.Player
The tile that the home base is located on.
homeBase - Variable in class games.stardash.Player
The home base of the player.
hopperTiles - Variable in class games.coreminer.Player
The Tiles this Player's hoppers are on.


ignite(Building) - Method in class games.anarchy.Warehouse
Bribes the Warehouse to light a Building on fire.
infamy - Variable in class games.pirates.Player
The amount of infamy this Player has.
initialWebStrength - Variable in class games.spiders.Game
The starting strength for Webs.
intensify() - Method in class games.anarchy.WeatherStation
Defaults the value for the optional arg 'negative' to 'false'
intensify(boolean) - Method in class games.anarchy.WeatherStation
Bribe the weathermen to intensity the next Forecast by 1 or -1.
intensity - Variable in class games.anarchy.Forecast
How much of a Building's fire that can be blown in the direction of this Forecast.
internCap - Variable in class games.newtonian.Game
The maximum number of interns a player can have.
internSpawn - Variable in class games.newtonian.Player
The time left till a intern spawns.
investment - Variable in class games.pirates.Port
(Merchants only) How much gold was invested into this Port.
isBalcony - Variable in class games.saloon.Tile
If this Tile is a balcony of the Saloon that YoungGuns walk around on, and can never be pathed through by Cowboys.
isBase - Variable in class games.coreminer.Tile
Whether or not the Tile is a base Tile.
isBusy - Variable in class games.stardash.Unit
Tracks whether or not the ship is dashing or Mining.
isCastle - Variable in class games.necrowar.Tile
Whether or not the tile is a castle tile.
isDead - Variable in class games.saloon.Cowboy
If this Cowboy is dead and has been removed from the game.
isDead - Variable in class games.spiders.Spider
If this Spider is dead and has been removed from the game.
isDestroyed - Variable in class games.saloon.Bottle
True if this Bottle has impacted and has been destroyed (removed from the Game).
isDestroyed - Variable in class games.saloon.Furnishing
If this Furnishing has been destroyed, and has been removed from the game.
isDrunk - Variable in class games.saloon.Cowboy
If this Cowboy is drunk, and will automatically walk.
isFalling - Variable in class games.coreminer.Tile
Whether or not this Tile is about to fall after this turn.
isGoldMine - Variable in class games.necrowar.Tile
Whether or not the tile is considered to be a gold mine or not.
isGrass - Variable in class games.necrowar.Tile
Whether or not the tile is considered grass or not (Workers can walk on grass).
isHeadquarters - Variable in class games.anarchy.Building
True if this is the Headquarters of the owning player, false otherwise.
isHopper - Variable in class games.coreminer.Tile
Whether or not a hopper is on this Tile.
isIslandGoldMine - Variable in class games.necrowar.Tile
Whether or not the tile is considered to be the island gold mine or not.
isLadder - Variable in class games.coreminer.Tile
Whether or not a ladder is built on this Tile.
islandIncomePerUnit - Variable in class games.necrowar.Game
The amount of gold income per turn per unit in the island mine.
isMine() - Method in class games.checkers.Checker
Returns if the checker is owned by your player or not.
isPath - Variable in class games.necrowar.Tile
Whether or not the tile is considered a path or not (Units can walk on paths).
isPathable() - Method in class games.catastrophe.Tile
Checks if a Tile is pathable to units
isPathable() - Method in class games.coreminer.Tile
Checks if a Tile is pathable to units
isPathable() - Method in class games.necrowar.Tile
Checks if a Tile is pathable to units
isPathable() - Method in class games.newtonian.Tile
Checks if a Tile is pathable to units
isPathable() - Method in class games.pirates.Tile
Checks if a Tile is pathable to units
isPathable() - Method in class games.saloon.Tile
Checks if a Tile is pathable to units
isPathable() - Method in class games.stumped.Tile
Checks if a Tile is pathable to units
isPiano - Variable in class games.saloon.Furnishing
True if this Furnishing is a piano and can be played, False otherwise.
isPlaying - Variable in class games.saloon.Furnishing
If this is a piano and a Cowboy is playing it this turn.
isRiver - Variable in class games.necrowar.Tile
Whether or not the tile is considered a river or not.
isSupport - Variable in class games.coreminer.Tile
Whether or not a support is built on this Tile.
isTower - Variable in class games.necrowar.Tile
Whether or not the tile is considered a tower or not.
isUnitSpawn - Variable in class games.necrowar.Tile
Whether or not the tile is the unit spawn.
isWall - Variable in class games.necrowar.Tile
Whether or not the tile can be moved on by workers.
isWall - Variable in class games.newtonian.Tile
Whether or not the tile is a wall.
isWorkerSpawn - Variable in class games.necrowar.Tile
Whether or not the tile is the worker spawn.


Job - Class in games.catastrophe
Information about a Unit's job.
job - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Unit
The Job this Unit was recruited to do.
job - Variable in class games.necrowar.Tower
What type of tower this is (it's job).
job - Variable in class games.necrowar.Unit
The type of unit this is.
Job - Class in games.newtonian
Information about a unit's job.
job - Variable in class games.newtonian.Unit
The Job this Unit has.
job - Variable in class games.saloon.Cowboy
The job that this Cowboy does, and dictates how they fight and interact within the Saloon.
Job - Class in games.stardash
Information about a unit's job.
job - Variable in class games.stardash.Unit
The Job this Unit has.
job - Variable in class games.stumped.Beaver
The Job this Beaver was recruited to do.
Job - Class in games.stumped
Information about a beaver's job.
jobs - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Game
All the Jobs that Units can have in the game.
jobs - Variable in class games.newtonian.Game
A list of all jobs.
jobs - Variable in class games.saloon.Game
All the jobs that Cowboys can be called in with.
jobs - Variable in class games.stardash.Game
A list of all jobs.
jobs - Variable in class games.stumped.Game
All the Jobs that Beavers can have in the game.


kills - Variable in class games.saloon.Player
How many enemy Cowboys this player's team has killed.
kinged - Variable in class games.checkers.Checker
If the checker has been kinged and can move backwards.


ladderCost - Variable in class games.coreminer.Game
The amount of building material required to build a ladder.
ladderHealth - Variable in class games.coreminer.Game
The amount of mining power needed to remove a ladder from a Tile.
largeCargoSize - Variable in class games.coreminer.Game
The amount deemed as a large amount of cargo.
largeMaterialSize - Variable in class games.coreminer.Game
The amount deemed as a large amount of material.
legendarium - Variable in class games.stardash.Unit
The amount of Legendarium ore carried by this unit.
legendariumValue - Variable in class games.stardash.Game
The value of every unit of legendarium.
length - Variable in class games.spiders.Web
How long this Web is, i.e., the distance between its nestA and nestB.
load - Variable in class games.spiders.Web
How much weight this Web currently has on it, which is the sum of all its Spiderlings weight.
lodgeCostConstant - Variable in class games.stumped.Game
Constant number used to calculate what it costs to spawn a new lodge.
lodgeOwner - Variable in class games.stumped.Tile
The owner of the Beaver lodge on this Tile, if present, otherwise null.
lodges - Variable in class games.stumped.Player
A list of Tiles that contain lodges owned by this player.
lodgesToWin - Variable in class games.stumped.Game
How many lodges must be owned by a Player at once to win the game.
log(String) - Method in class games.anarchy.GameObject
Adds a message to this GameObject's logs.
log(String) - Method in class games.catastrophe.GameObject
Adds a message to this GameObject's logs.
log(String) - Method in class games.checkers.GameObject
Adds a message to this GameObject's logs.
log(String) - Method in class games.chess.GameObject
Adds a message to this GameObject's logs.
log(String) - Method in class games.coreminer.GameObject
Adds a message to this GameObject's logs.
log(String) - Method in class games.necrowar.GameObject
Adds a message to this GameObject's logs.
log(String) - Method in class games.newtonian.GameObject
Adds a message to this GameObject's logs.
log(String) - Method in class games.pirates.GameObject
Adds a message to this GameObject's logs.
log(String) - Method in class games.saloon.GameObject
Adds a message to this GameObject's logs.
log(String) - Method in class games.spiders.GameObject
Adds a message to this GameObject's logs.
log(String) - Method in class games.stardash.GameObject
Adds a message to this GameObject's logs.
log(String) - Method in class games.stumped.GameObject
Adds a message to this GameObject's logs.
logs - Variable in class games.anarchy.GameObject
Any strings logged will be stored here.
logs - Variable in class games.catastrophe.GameObject
Any strings logged will be stored here.
logs - Variable in class games.checkers.GameObject
Any strings logged will be stored here.
logs - Variable in class games.chess.GameObject
Any strings logged will be stored here.
logs - Variable in class games.coreminer.GameObject
Any strings logged will be stored here.
logs - Variable in class games.necrowar.GameObject
Any strings logged will be stored here.
logs - Variable in class games.newtonian.GameObject
Any strings logged will be stored here.
logs - Variable in class games.pirates.GameObject
Any strings logged will be stored here.
logs - Variable in class games.saloon.GameObject
Any strings logged will be stored here.
logs - Variable in class games.spiders.GameObject
Any strings logged will be stored here.
logs - Variable in class games.stardash.GameObject
Any strings logged will be stored here.
logs - Variable in class games.stumped.GameObject
Any strings logged will be stored here.
lost - Variable in class games.anarchy.Player
If the player lost the game or not.
lost - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Player
If the player lost the game or not.
lost - Variable in class games.checkers.Player
If the player lost the game or not.
lost - Variable in class games.chess.Player
If the player lost the game or not.
lost - Variable in class games.coreminer.Player
If the player lost the game or not.
lost - Variable in class games.necrowar.Player
If the player lost the game or not.
lost - Variable in class games.newtonian.Player
If the player lost the game or not.
lost - Variable in class games.pirates.Player
If the player lost the game or not.
lost - Variable in class games.saloon.Player
If the player lost the game or not.
lost - Variable in class games.spiders.Player
If the player lost the game or not.
lost - Variable in class games.stardash.Player
If the player lost the game or not.
lost - Variable in class games.stumped.Player
If the player lost the game or not.
lowerHarvestAmount - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Game
The amount that the harvest rate is lowered each season.


Machine - Class in games.newtonian
A machine in the game.
machine - Variable in class games.newtonian.Tile
The Machine on this Tile if present, otherwise null.
machines - Variable in class games.newtonian.Game
Every Machine in the game.
makeMove() - Method in class games.chess.AI
This is called every time it is this AI.player's turn to make a move.
mana - Variable in class games.necrowar.Player
The amount of mana this player has.
manaCost - Variable in class games.necrowar.tJob
How much does this type cost in mana.
manaCost - Variable in class games.necrowar.TowerJob
How much does this type cost in mana.
manaCost - Variable in class games.necrowar.uJob
How much does this type cost in mana.
manaCost - Variable in class games.necrowar.UnitJob
How much does this type cost in mana.
managerCap - Variable in class games.newtonian.Game
The maximum number of managers a player can have.
managerSpawn - Variable in class games.newtonian.Player
The time left till a manager spawns.
manaIncomePerUnit - Variable in class games.necrowar.Game
The Amount of gold income per turn per unit fishing on the river side.
mapHeight - Variable in class games.anarchy.Game
The width of the entire map along the vertical (y) axis.
mapHeight - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Game
The number of Tiles in the map along the y (vertical) axis.
mapHeight - Variable in class games.coreminer.Game
The number of Tiles in the map along the y (vertical) axis.
mapHeight - Variable in class games.necrowar.Game
The number of Tiles in the map along the y (vertical) axis.
mapHeight - Variable in class games.newtonian.Game
The number of Tiles in the map along the y (vertical) axis.
mapHeight - Variable in class games.pirates.Game
The number of Tiles in the map along the y (vertical) axis.
mapHeight - Variable in class games.saloon.Game
The number of Tiles in the map along the y (vertical) axis.
mapHeight - Variable in class games.stumped.Game
The number of Tiles in the map along the y (vertical) axis.
mapWidth - Variable in class games.anarchy.Game
The width of the entire map along the horizontal (x) axis.
mapWidth - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Game
The number of Tiles in the map along the x (horizontal) axis.
mapWidth - Variable in class games.coreminer.Game
The number of Tiles in the map along the x (horizontal) axis.
mapWidth - Variable in class games.necrowar.Game
The number of Tiles in the map along the x (horizontal) axis.
mapWidth - Variable in class games.newtonian.Game
The number of Tiles in the map along the x (horizontal) axis.
mapWidth - Variable in class games.pirates.Game
The number of Tiles in the map along the x (horizontal) axis.
mapWidth - Variable in class games.saloon.Game
The number of Tiles in the map along the x (horizontal) axis.
mapWidth - Variable in class games.stumped.Game
The number of Tiles in the map along the x (horizontal) axis.
materials - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Structure
The number of materials in this Structure.
materials - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Tile
The number of materials dropped on this Tile.
materials - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Unit
The amount of materials this Unit is holding.
materialSpawn - Variable in class games.newtonian.Game
The number of materials that spawn per spawn cycle.
materialType - Variable in class games.stardash.Body
The type of material the celestial body has.
maxAsteroid - Variable in class games.stardash.Game
The highest amount of material, that can be in a asteroid.
maxCowboysPerJob - Variable in class games.saloon.Game
The maximum number of Cowboys a Player can bring into the saloon of each specific job.
maxFire - Variable in class games.anarchy.Game
The maximum amount of fire value for any Building.
maxForecastIntensity - Variable in class games.anarchy.Game
The maximum amount of intensity value for any Forecast.
maxShielding - Variable in class games.coreminer.Game
The maximum amount of shielding possible on a Tile.
maxSpiderlings - Variable in class games.spiders.Player
The max number of Spiderlings players can spawn.
maxTurns - Variable in class games.anarchy.Game
The maximum number of turns before the game will automatically end.
maxTurns - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Game
The maximum number of turns before the game will automatically end.
maxTurns - Variable in class games.checkers.Game
The maximum number of turns before the game will automatically end.
maxTurns - Variable in class games.coreminer.Game
The maximum number of turns before the game will automatically end.
maxTurns - Variable in class games.necrowar.Game
The maximum number of turns before the game will automatically end.
maxTurns - Variable in class games.newtonian.Game
The maximum number of turns before the game will automatically end.
maxTurns - Variable in class games.pirates.Game
The maximum number of turns before the game will automatically end.
maxTurns - Variable in class games.saloon.Game
The maximum number of turns before the game will automatically end.
maxTurns - Variable in class games.spiders.Game
The maximum number of turns before the game will automatically end.
maxTurns - Variable in class games.stardash.Game
The maximum number of turns before the game will automatically end.
maxTurns - Variable in class games.stumped.Game
The maximum number of turns before the game will automatically end.
maxUpgradeLevel - Variable in class games.coreminer.Game
The highest upgrade level allowed on a Miner.
maxWebStrength - Variable in class games.spiders.Game
The maximum strength a web can be strengthened to.
merchantGoldRate - Variable in class games.pirates.Game
How much gold merchant Ports get each turn.
merchantInterestRate - Variable in class games.pirates.Game
When a merchant ship spawns, the amount of additional gold it has relative to the Port's investment.
minAsteroid - Variable in class games.stardash.Game
The smallest amount of material, that can be in a asteroid.
mine(Tile, int) - Method in class games.coreminer.Miner
Mines the Tile the Miner is on or an adjacent Tile.
mine(Tile) - Method in class games.necrowar.Unit
Enters a mine and is put to work gathering resources.
mine(Body) - Method in class games.stardash.Unit
Allows a miner to mine a asteroid.
Miner - Class in games.coreminer
A Miner in the game.
miners - Variable in class games.coreminer.Game
Every Miner in the game.
miners - Variable in class games.coreminer.Player
Every Miner owned by this Player.
miners - Variable in class games.coreminer.Tile
An array of the Miners on this Tile.
miningPower - Variable in class games.coreminer.Miner
The remaining mining power this Miner has this turn.
miningPower - Variable in class games.coreminer.Upgrade
The amount of mining power this Upgrade has per turn.
miningSpeed - Variable in class games.stardash.Game
The rate at which miners grab minerals from asteroids.
minInterestDistance - Variable in class games.pirates.Game
The Euclidean distance buried gold must be from the Player's Port to accumulate interest.
money - Variable in class games.coreminer.Player
The amount of money this Player currently has.
money - Variable in class games.stardash.Player
The amount of money this Player has.
monumentCostMult - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Game
The multiplier for the cost of actions when performing them in range of a monument.
monumentMaterials - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Game
The number of materials in a monument.
move(Tile) - Method in class games.catastrophe.Unit
Moves this Unit from its current Tile to an adjacent Tile.
move(int, int) - Method in class games.checkers.Checker
Moves the checker from its current location to the given (x, y).
move(Tile) - Method in class games.coreminer.Miner
Moves this Miner from its current Tile to an adjacent Tile.
move(Tile) - Method in class games.necrowar.Unit
Moves this Unit from its current Tile to an adjacent Tile.
move(Tile) - Method in class games.newtonian.Unit
Moves this Unit from its current Tile to an adjacent Tile.
move(Tile) - Method in class games.pirates.Unit
Moves this Unit from its current Tile to an adjacent Tile.
move(Tile) - Method in class games.saloon.Cowboy
Moves this Cowboy from its current Tile to an adjacent Tile.
move(Web) - Method in class games.spiders.Spiderling
Starts moving the Spiderling across a Web to another Nest.
move(double, double) - Method in class games.stardash.Unit
Moves this Unit from its current location to the new location specified.
move(Tile) - Method in class games.stumped.Beaver
Moves this Beaver from its current Tile to an adjacent Tile.
movementSpeed - Variable in class games.spiders.Game
The speed at which Spiderlings move on Webs.
movementTarget - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Unit
The tile this Unit is moving to.
moves - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Job
The number of moves this Job can make per turn.
moves - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Unit
How many moves this Unit has left this turn.
moves - Variable in class games.coreminer.Miner
The number of moves this Miner has left this turn.
moves - Variable in class games.coreminer.Upgrade
The number of moves this Upgrade can make per turn.
moves - Variable in class games.necrowar.uJob
The number of moves this type can make per turn.
moves - Variable in class games.necrowar.Unit
The number of moves this unit has left this turn.
moves - Variable in class games.necrowar.UnitJob
The number of moves this type can make per turn.
moves - Variable in class games.newtonian.Job
The number of moves this Job can make per turn.
moves - Variable in class games.newtonian.Unit
The number of moves this unit has left this turn.
moves - Variable in class games.pirates.Unit
How many more times this Unit may move this turn.
moves - Variable in class games.stardash.Job
The distance this job can move per turn.
moves - Variable in class games.stardash.Unit
The distance this unit can still move.
moves - Variable in class games.stumped.Beaver
How many moves this Beaver has left this turn.
moves - Variable in class games.stumped.Job
The number of moves this Job can make per turn.
movingOnWeb - Variable in class games.spiders.Spiderling
The Web this Spiderling is using to move.
movingToNest - Variable in class games.spiders.Spiderling
The Nest this Spiderling is moving to.
munching - Variable in class games.stumped.Job
Scalar for how much food this Job harvests at once.
mythicite - Variable in class games.stardash.Unit
The amount of Mythicite carried by this unit.
mythiciteAmount - Variable in class games.stardash.Game
The amount of mythicite that spawns at the start of the game.


name - Variable in class games.anarchy.Player
The name of the player.
name - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Player
The name of the player.
name - Variable in class games.checkers.Player
The name of the player.
name - Variable in class games.chess.Player
The name of the player.
name - Variable in class games.coreminer.Player
The name of the player.
name - Variable in class games.necrowar.Player
The name of the player.
name - Variable in class games.newtonian.Player
The name of the player.
name - Variable in class games.pirates.Player
The name of the player.
name - Variable in class games.saloon.Player
The name of the player.
name - Variable in class games.spiders.Player
The name of the player.
name - Variable in class games.stardash.Player
The name of the player.
name - Variable in class games.stumped.Player
The name of the player.
Nest - Class in games.spiders
A location (node) connected to other Nests via Webs (edges) in the game that Spiders can converge on, regardless of owner.
nest - Variable in class games.spiders.Spider
The Nest that this Spider is currently on.
nestA - Variable in class games.spiders.Web
The first Nest this Web is connected to.
nestB - Variable in class games.spiders.Web
The second Nest this Web is connected to.
nests - Variable in class games.spiders.Game
Every Nest in the game.
neutralMaterials - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Game
The number of materials in a neutral Structure.
nextForecast - Variable in class games.anarchy.Game
The next Forecast, which will be applied at the end of your opponent's turn.
nextX(int) - Method in class games.stardash.Body
The x value of this body a number of turns from now.
nextY(int) - Method in class games.stardash.Body
The x value of this body a number of turns from now.
numberOfCoworkers - Variable in class games.spiders.Spiderling
The number of Spiderlings busy with the same work this Spiderling is doing, speeding up the task.
numberOfNestsControlled - Variable in class games.spiders.Player
The number of nests this player controls.
numGhouls - Variable in class games.necrowar.Tile
The amount of Ghouls on this tile.
numHounds - Variable in class games.necrowar.Tile
The amount of Hounds on this tile.
numZombies - Variable in class games.necrowar.Tile
The amount of Zombies on this tile.


opponent - Variable in class games.anarchy.Player
This player's opponent in the game.
opponent - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Player
This player's opponent in the game.
opponent - Variable in class games.checkers.Player
This player's opponent in the game.
opponent - Variable in class games.chess.Player
This player's opponent in the game.
opponent - Variable in class games.coreminer.Player
This player's opponent in the game.
opponent - Variable in class games.necrowar.Player
This player's opponent in the game.
opponent - Variable in class games.newtonian.Player
This player's opponent in the game.
opponent - Variable in class games.pirates.Player
This player's opponent in the game.
opponent - Variable in class games.saloon.Player
This player's opponent in the game.
opponent - Variable in class games.spiders.Player
This player's opponent in the game.
opponent - Variable in class games.stardash.Player
This player's opponent in the game.
opponent - Variable in class games.stumped.Player
This player's opponent in the game.
orbitsProtected - Variable in class games.stardash.Game
The number of orbit updates you cannot mine the mithicite asteroid.
ore - Variable in class games.coreminer.Miner
The amount of ore carried by this Miner.
ore - Variable in class games.coreminer.Tile
The amount of ore on this Tile.
orePrice - Variable in class games.coreminer.Game
The amount of money awarded when ore is dumped in the base and sold.
oreRarityGenarium - Variable in class games.stardash.Game
The rarity modifier of the most common ore.
oreRarityLegendarium - Variable in class games.stardash.Game
The rarity modifier of the rarest ore.
oreRarityRarium - Variable in class games.stardash.Game
The rarity modifier of the second rarest ore.
oreType - Variable in class games.newtonian.Machine
What type of ore the machine takes it.
oreValue - Variable in class games.coreminer.Game
The amount of value awarded when ore is dumped in the base and sold.
owner - Variable in class games.anarchy.Building
The player that owns this building.
owner - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Structure
The owner of this Structure if any, otherwise null.
owner - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Unit
The Player that owns and can control this Unit, or null if the Unit is neutral.
owner - Variable in class games.checkers.Checker
The player that controls this Checker.
owner - Variable in class games.coreminer.Miner
The Player that owns and can control this Miner.
owner - Variable in class games.coreminer.Tile
The owner of this Tile, or undefined if owned by no-one.
owner - Variable in class games.necrowar.Tile
Which player owns this tile, only applies to grass tiles for workers, NULL otherwise.
owner - Variable in class games.necrowar.Tower
The player that built / owns this tower.
owner - Variable in class games.necrowar.Unit
The Player that owns and can control this Unit.
owner - Variable in class games.newtonian.Tile
The owner of this Tile, or null if owned by no-one.
owner - Variable in class games.newtonian.Unit
The Player that owns and can control this Unit.
owner - Variable in class games.pirates.Port
The owner of this Port, or null if owned by merchants.
owner - Variable in class games.pirates.Unit
The Player that owns and can control this Unit, or null if the Unit is neutral.
owner - Variable in class games.saloon.Cowboy
The Player that owns and can control this Cowboy.
owner - Variable in class games.saloon.YoungGun
The Player that owns and can control this YoungGun.
owner - Variable in class games.spiders.Spider
The Player that owns this Spider, and can command it.
owner - Variable in class games.stardash.Body
The Player that owns and can control this Body.
owner - Variable in class games.stardash.Projectile
The Player that owns and can control this Projectile.
owner - Variable in class games.stardash.Unit
The Player that owns and can control this Unit.
owner - Variable in class games.stumped.Beaver
The Player that owns and can control this Beaver.


path - Variable in class games.pirates.Unit
(Merchants only) The path this Unit will follow.
perTile - Variable in class games.necrowar.uJob
How many of this type of unit can take up one tile.
perTile - Variable in class games.necrowar.UnitJob
How many of this type of unit can take up one tile.
physicistCap - Variable in class games.newtonian.Game
The maximum number of physicists a player can have.
physicistSpawn - Variable in class games.newtonian.Player
The time left till a physicist spawns.
pickup(Tile, String) - Method in class games.catastrophe.Unit
Defaults the value for the optional arg 'amount' to '0'
pickup(Tile, String, int) - Method in class games.catastrophe.Unit
Picks up some materials or food on or adjacent to the Unit's Tile.
pickup(Tile, int, String) - Method in class games.newtonian.Unit
Picks up material at the units feet or adjacent tile.
pickup(Tile, String) - Method in class games.stumped.Beaver
Defaults the value for the optional arg 'amount' to '0'
pickup(Tile, String, int) - Method in class games.stumped.Beaver
Picks up some branches or food on the beaver's tile.
planetEnergyCap - Variable in class games.stardash.Game
The amount of energy a planet can hold at once.
planetRechargeRate - Variable in class games.stardash.Game
The amount of energy the planets restore each round.
play(Furnishing) - Method in class games.saloon.Cowboy
Sits down and plays a piano.
player - Variable in class games.anarchy.AI
This is your AI's player.
Player - Class in games.anarchy
A player in this game.
player - Variable in class games.catastrophe.AI
This is your AI's player.
Player - Class in games.catastrophe
A player in this game.
player - Variable in class games.checkers.AI
This is your AI's player.
Player - Class in games.checkers
A player in this game.
player - Variable in class games.chess.AI
This is your AI's player.
Player - Class in games.chess
A player in this game.
player - Variable in class games.coreminer.AI
This is your AI's player.
Player - Class in games.coreminer
A player in this game.
player - Variable in class games.necrowar.AI
This is your AI's player.
Player - Class in games.necrowar
A player in this game.
player - Variable in class games.newtonian.AI
This is your AI's player.
Player - Class in games.newtonian
A player in this game.
player - Variable in class games.pirates.AI
This is your AI's player.
Player - Class in games.pirates
A player in this game.
player - Variable in class games.saloon.AI
This is your AI's player.
Player - Class in games.saloon
A player in this game.
player - Variable in class games.spiders.AI
This is your AI's player.
Player - Class in games.spiders
A player in this game.
player - Variable in class games.stardash.AI
This is your AI's player.
Player - Class in games.stardash
A player in this game.
player - Variable in class games.stumped.AI
This is your AI's player.
Player - Class in games.stumped
A player in this game.
players - Variable in class games.anarchy.Game
List of all the players in the game.
players - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Game
List of all the players in the game.
players - Variable in class games.checkers.Game
List of all the players in the game.
players - Variable in class games.chess.Game
List of all the players in the game.
players - Variable in class games.coreminer.Game
List of all the players in the game.
players - Variable in class games.necrowar.Game
List of all the players in the game.
players - Variable in class games.newtonian.Game
List of all the players in the game.
players - Variable in class games.pirates.Game
List of all the players in the game.
players - Variable in class games.saloon.Game
List of all the players in the game.
players - Variable in class games.spiders.Game
List of all the players in the game.
players - Variable in class games.stardash.Game
List of all the players in the game.
players - Variable in class games.stumped.Game
List of all the players in the game.
PoliceDepartment - Class in games.anarchy
Used to keep cities under control and raid Warehouses.
policeDepartments - Variable in class games.anarchy.Player
All the PoliceDepartments owned by this player.
port - Variable in class games.pirates.Player
The Port owned by this Player.
Port - Class in games.pirates
A port on a Tile.
port - Variable in class games.pirates.Tile
The Port on this Tile if present, otherwise null.
ports - Variable in class games.pirates.Game
Every Port in the game.
pressure - Variable in class games.newtonian.Player
The amount of pressure this Player has.
Projectile - Class in games.stardash
Tracks any projectiles moving through space.
projectileRadius - Variable in class games.stardash.Game
The standard size of ships.
projectiles - Variable in class games.stardash.Game
Every projectile in the game.
projectiles - Variable in class games.stardash.Player
Every Projectile owned by this Player.
projectileSpeed - Variable in class games.stardash.Game
The amount of distance missiles travel through space.
protector - Variable in class games.stardash.Unit
The martyr ship that is currently shielding this ship if any.


radius - Variable in class games.stardash.Body
The radius of the circle that this body takes up.
raid(Warehouse) - Method in class games.anarchy.PoliceDepartment
Bribe the police to raid a Warehouse, dealing damage equal based on the Warehouse's current exposure, and then resetting it to 0.
range - Variable in class games.necrowar.tJob
The number of tiles this type can attack from.
range - Variable in class games.necrowar.TowerJob
The number of tiles this type can attack from.
range - Variable in class games.necrowar.uJob
Amount of tiles away this type has to be in order to be effective.
range - Variable in class games.necrowar.UnitJob
Amount of tiles away this type has to be in order to be effective.
range - Variable in class games.stardash.Job
The distance at which this job can effect things.
rarium - Variable in class games.stardash.Unit
The amount of Rarium carried by this unit.
rariumValue - Variable in class games.stardash.Game
The value of every unit of rarium.
reasonLost - Variable in class games.anarchy.Player
The reason why the player lost the game.
reasonLost - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Player
The reason why the player lost the game.
reasonLost - Variable in class games.checkers.Player
The reason why the player lost the game.
reasonLost - Variable in class games.chess.Player
The reason why the player lost the game.
reasonLost - Variable in class games.coreminer.Player
The reason why the player lost the game.
reasonLost - Variable in class games.necrowar.Player
The reason why the player lost the game.
reasonLost - Variable in class games.newtonian.Player
The reason why the player lost the game.
reasonLost - Variable in class games.pirates.Player
The reason why the player lost the game.
reasonLost - Variable in class games.saloon.Player
The reason why the player lost the game.
reasonLost - Variable in class games.spiders.Player
The reason why the player lost the game.
reasonLost - Variable in class games.stardash.Player
The reason why the player lost the game.
reasonLost - Variable in class games.stumped.Player
The reason why the player lost the game.
reasonWon - Variable in class games.anarchy.Player
The reason why the player won the game.
reasonWon - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Player
The reason why the player won the game.
reasonWon - Variable in class games.checkers.Player
The reason why the player won the game.
reasonWon - Variable in class games.chess.Player
The reason why the player won the game.
reasonWon - Variable in class games.coreminer.Player
The reason why the player won the game.
reasonWon - Variable in class games.necrowar.Player
The reason why the player won the game.
reasonWon - Variable in class games.newtonian.Player
The reason why the player won the game.
reasonWon - Variable in class games.pirates.Player
The reason why the player won the game.
reasonWon - Variable in class games.saloon.Player
The reason why the player won the game.
reasonWon - Variable in class games.spiders.Player
The reason why the player won the game.
reasonWon - Variable in class games.stardash.Player
The reason why the player won the game.
reasonWon - Variable in class games.stumped.Player
The reason why the player won the game.
recruit(Tile) - Method in class games.stumped.Job
Recruits a Beaver of this Job to a lodge.
recruited - Variable in class games.stumped.Beaver
True if the Beaver has finished being recruited and can do things, False otherwise.
redium - Variable in class games.newtonian.Tile
The amount of redium on this tile.
redium - Variable in class games.newtonian.Unit
The amount of redium carried by this unit.
rediumOre - Variable in class games.newtonian.Tile
The amount of redium ore on this tile.
rediumOre - Variable in class games.newtonian.Unit
The amount of redium ore carried by this unit.
refinedValue - Variable in class games.newtonian.Game
The amount of victory points added when a refined ore is consumed by the generator.
refineInput - Variable in class games.newtonian.Machine
The amount of ore that needs to be inputted into the machine for it to be worked.
refineOutput - Variable in class games.newtonian.Machine
The amount of refined ore that is returned after the machine has been fully worked.
refineTime - Variable in class games.newtonian.Machine
The number of times this machine needs to be worked to refine ore.
regenerateRate - Variable in class games.newtonian.Game
The percent of max HP regained when a unit end their turn on a tile owned by their player.
regenerateRate - Variable in class games.stardash.Game
The regeneration rate of asteroids.
regenRate - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Job
The amount of energy normally regenerated when resting at a shelter.
res(int) - Method in class games.necrowar.Tile
Resurrect the corpses on this tile into Zombies.
rest() - Method in class games.catastrophe.Unit
Regenerates energy.
rest() - Method in class games.pirates.Unit
Regenerates this Unit's health.
restRange - Variable in class games.pirates.Game
How far a Unit can be from a Port to rest.
riverPhase - Variable in class games.necrowar.Game
The amount of turns it takes between the river changing phases.
rotate() - Method in class games.anarchy.WeatherStation
Defaults the value for the optional arg 'counterclockwise' to 'false'
rotate(boolean) - Method in class games.anarchy.WeatherStation
Bribe the weathermen to change the direction of the next Forecast by rotating it clockwise or counterclockwise.
rowdiness - Variable in class games.saloon.Player
How rowdy their team is.
rowdinessToSiesta - Variable in class games.saloon.Game
When a player's rowdiness reaches or exceeds this number their Cowboys take a collective siesta.
runTurn() - Method in class games.anarchy.AI
This is called every time it is this AI.player's turn.
runTurn() - Method in class games.catastrophe.AI
This is called every time it is this AI.player's turn.
runTurn() - Method in class games.checkers.AI
This is called every time it is this AI.player's turn.
runTurn() - Method in class games.coreminer.AI
This is called every time it is this AI.player's turn.
runTurn() - Method in class games.necrowar.AI
This is called every time it is this AI.player's turn.
runTurn() - Method in class games.newtonian.AI
This is called every time it is this AI.player's turn.
runTurn() - Method in class games.pirates.AI
This is called every time it is this AI.player's turn.
runTurn() - Method in class games.saloon.AI
This is called every time it is this AI.player's turn.
runTurn() - Method in class games.spiders.AI
This is called every time it is this AI.player's turn.
runTurn() - Method in class games.stardash.AI
This is called every time it is this AI.player's turn.
runTurn() - Method in class games.stumped.AI
This is called every time it is this AI.player's turn.


safe(double, double) - Method in class games.stardash.Unit
Tells you if your ship can move to that location from were it is without clipping the sun.
score - Variable in class games.saloon.Player
How many times their team has played a piano.
session - Variable in class games.anarchy.Game
A unique identifier for the game instance that is being played.
session - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Game
A unique identifier for the game instance that is being played.
session - Variable in class games.checkers.Game
A unique identifier for the game instance that is being played.
session - Variable in class games.chess.Game
A unique identifier for the game instance that is being played.
session - Variable in class games.coreminer.Game
A unique identifier for the game instance that is being played.
session - Variable in class games.necrowar.Game
A unique identifier for the game instance that is being played.
session - Variable in class games.newtonian.Game
A unique identifier for the game instance that is being played.
session - Variable in class games.pirates.Game
A unique identifier for the game instance that is being played.
session - Variable in class games.saloon.Game
A unique identifier for the game instance that is being played.
session - Variable in class games.spiders.Game
A unique identifier for the game instance that is being played.
session - Variable in class games.stardash.Game
A unique identifier for the game instance that is being played.
session - Variable in class games.stumped.Game
A unique identifier for the game instance that is being played.
sharpshooterDamage - Variable in class games.saloon.Game
How much damage is applied to things hit by Sharpshooters when they act.
shelterMaterials - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Game
The number of materials in a shelter.
shield - Variable in class games.stardash.Job
The reserve the martyr use to protect allies.
shield - Variable in class games.stardash.Unit
The shield that a martyr ship has.
shieldCost - Variable in class games.coreminer.Game
The amount of building material required to shield a Tile.
shieldHealth - Variable in class games.coreminer.Game
The amount of mining power needed to remove one unit of shielding off a Tile.
shielding - Variable in class games.coreminer.Tile
The amount of shielding on this Tile.
shipCost - Variable in class games.pirates.Game
How much gold it costs to construct a ship.
shipDamage - Variable in class games.pirates.Game
How much damage ships deal to ships and ports.
shipHealth - Variable in class games.pirates.Game
The maximum amount of health a ship can have.
shipHealth - Variable in class games.pirates.Unit
If a ship is on this Tile, how much health it has remaining.
shipMoves - Variable in class games.pirates.Game
The number of moves Units with ships are given each turn.
shipRadius - Variable in class games.stardash.Game
The standard size of ships.
shipRange - Variable in class games.pirates.Game
A ship's attack range.
shootdown(Projectile) - Method in class games.stardash.Unit
Attacks the specified projectile.
side - Variable in class games.necrowar.Player
All tiles that this player can build on and move workers on.
siesta - Variable in class games.saloon.Player
0 when not having a team siesta.
siestaLength - Variable in class games.saloon.Game
How long siestas are for a player's team.
sizeX - Variable in class games.stardash.Game
The size of the map in the X direction.
sizeY - Variable in class games.stardash.Game
The size of the map in the Y direction.
spawn(String) - Method in class games.pirates.Port
Spawn a Unit on this port.
spawn(String) - Method in class games.spiders.BroodMother
Spawns a new Spiderling on the same Nest as this BroodMother, consuming an egg.
spawn(double, double, String) - Method in class games.stardash.Body
Spawn a unit on some value of this celestial body.
spawner - Variable in class games.stumped.Game
Every Spawner in the game.
Spawner - Class in games.stumped
A resource spawner that generates branches or food.
spawner - Variable in class games.stumped.Tile
The resource Spawner on this Tile if present, otherwise null.
spawnerHarvestConstant - Variable in class games.stumped.Game
Constant number used to calculate how many branches/food Beavers harvest from Spawners.
spawnerTypes - Variable in class games.stumped.Game
All the types of Spawners in the game.
spawnMiner() - Method in class games.coreminer.Player
Spawns a Miner on this Player's base Tile.
spawnPrice - Variable in class games.coreminer.Game
The monetary price of spawning a Miner.
spawnTiles - Variable in class games.newtonian.Player
All the tiles this Player's units can spawn on.
spawnTime - Variable in class games.newtonian.Game
The amount of turns it takes a unit to spawn.
spawnUnit(String) - Method in class games.necrowar.Tile
Spawns a fighting unit on the correct tile.
spawnWorker() - Method in class games.necrowar.Tile
Spawns a worker on the correct tile.
Spider - Class in games.spiders
A Spider in the game.
Spiderling - Class in games.spiders
A Spider spawned by the BroodMother.
spiderlings - Variable in class games.spiders.Web
All the Spiderlings currently moving along this Web.
spiders - Variable in class games.spiders.Nest
All the Spiders currently located on this Nest.
spiders - Variable in class games.spiders.Player
All the Spiders owned by this player.
spit(Nest) - Method in class games.spiders.Spitter
Creates and spits a new Web from the Nest the Spitter is on to another Nest, connecting them.
spitSpeed - Variable in class games.spiders.Game
The speed at which Spitters work to spit new Webs.
Spitter - Class in games.spiders
A Spiderling that creates and spits new Webs from the Nest it is on to another Nest, connecting them.
spittingWebToNest - Variable in class games.spiders.Spitter
The Nest that this Spitter is creating a Web to spit at, thus connecting them.
split(Tile) - Method in class games.pirates.Unit
Defaults the value for the optional arg 'amount' to '1'
split(Tile, int) - Method in class games.pirates.Unit
Defaults the value for the optional arg 'gold' to '0'
split(Tile, int, int) - Method in class games.pirates.Unit
Moves a number of crew from this Unit to the given Tile.
squad - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Unit
The Units in the same squad as this Unit.
start() - Method in class games.anarchy.AI
This is automatically called when the game first starts, once the Game object and all GameObjects have been initialized, but before any players do anything.
start() - Method in class games.catastrophe.AI
This is automatically called when the game first starts, once the Game object and all GameObjects have been initialized, but before any players do anything.
start() - Method in class games.checkers.AI
This is automatically called when the game first starts, once the Game object and all GameObjects have been initialized, but before any players do anything.
start() - Method in class games.chess.AI
This is automatically called when the game first starts, once the Game object and all GameObjects have been initialized, but before any players do anything.
start() - Method in class games.coreminer.AI
This is automatically called when the game first starts, once the Game object and all GameObjects have been initialized, but before any players do anything.
start() - Method in class games.necrowar.AI
This is automatically called when the game first starts, once the Game object and all GameObjects have been initialized, but before any players do anything.
start() - Method in class games.newtonian.AI
This is automatically called when the game first starts, once the Game object and all GameObjects have been initialized, but before any players do anything.
start() - Method in class games.pirates.AI
This is automatically called when the game first starts, once the Game object and all GameObjects have been initialized, but before any players do anything.
start() - Method in class games.saloon.AI
This is automatically called when the game first starts, once the Game object and all GameObjects have been initialized, but before any players do anything.
start() - Method in class games.spiders.AI
This is automatically called when the game first starts, once the Game object and all GameObjects have been initialized, but before any players do anything.
start() - Method in class games.stardash.AI
This is automatically called when the game first starts, once the Game object and all GameObjects have been initialized, but before any players do anything.
start() - Method in class games.stumped.AI
This is automatically called when the game first starts, once the Game object and all GameObjects have been initialized, but before any players do anything.
startingFood - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Game
The amount of food Players start with.
starving - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Unit
Whether this Unit is starving.
starvingEnergyMult - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Game
The multiplier for the amount of energy regenerated when resting while starving.
strength - Variable in class games.spiders.Web
How much weight this Web can take before snapping and destroying itself and all the Spiders on it.
strengthen(Web) - Method in class games.spiders.Weaver
Weaves more silk into an existing Web to strengthen it.
strengtheningWeb - Variable in class games.spiders.Weaver
The Web that this Weaver is strengthening.
Structure - Class in games.catastrophe
A structure on a Tile.
structure - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Tile
The Structure on this Tile if present, otherwise null.
structures - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Game
Every Structure in the game.
structures - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Player
Every Structure owned by this Player.
stunImmune - Variable in class games.newtonian.Unit
Duration of stun immunity.
stunTime - Variable in class games.newtonian.Game
The amount of turns a unit cannot do anything when stunned.
stunTime - Variable in class games.newtonian.Unit
Duration the unit is stunned.
stunTurns - Variable in class games.pirates.Unit
(Merchants only) The number of turns this merchant ship won't be able to move.
suffocationDamage - Variable in class games.coreminer.Game
The amount of damage taken when suffocating inside a filled Tile.
suffocationWeightDamage - Variable in class games.coreminer.Game
The amount of extra damage taken for suffocating under a large amount of material.
supportCost - Variable in class games.coreminer.Game
The amount of building material required to build a support.
supportHealth - Variable in class games.coreminer.Game
The amount of mining power needed to remove a support from a Tile.


target - Variable in class games.stardash.Projectile
The unit that is being attacked by this projectile.
targetPort - Variable in class games.pirates.Unit
(Merchants only) The Port this Unit is moving to.
tile - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Structure
The Tile this Structure is on.
Tile - Class in games.catastrophe
A Tile in the game that makes up the 2D map grid.
tile - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Unit
The Tile this Unit is on.
tile - Variable in class games.coreminer.Bomb
The Tile this Bomb is on.
tile - Variable in class games.coreminer.Miner
The Tile this Miner is on.
Tile - Class in games.coreminer
A Tile in the game that makes up the 2D map grid.
Tile - Class in games.necrowar
A Tile in the game that makes up the 2D map grid.
tile - Variable in class games.necrowar.Tower
The Tile this Tower is on.
tile - Variable in class games.necrowar.Unit
The Tile this Unit is on.
tile - Variable in class games.newtonian.Machine
The Tile this Machine is on.
Tile - Class in games.newtonian
A Tile in the game that makes up the 2D map grid.
tile - Variable in class games.newtonian.Unit
The Tile this Unit is on.
tile - Variable in class games.pirates.Port
The Tile this Port is on.
Tile - Class in games.pirates
A Tile in the game that makes up the 2D map grid.
tile - Variable in class games.pirates.Unit
The Tile this Unit is on.
tile - Variable in class games.saloon.Bottle
The Tile this bottle is currently flying over.
tile - Variable in class games.saloon.Cowboy
The Tile that this Cowboy is located on.
tile - Variable in class games.saloon.Furnishing
The Tile that this Furnishing is located on.
Tile - Class in games.saloon
A Tile in the game that makes up the 2D map grid.
tile - Variable in class games.saloon.YoungGun
The Tile this YoungGun is currently on.
tile - Variable in class games.stumped.Beaver
The Tile this Beaver is on.
tile - Variable in class games.stumped.Spawner
The Tile this Spawner is on.
Tile - Class in games.stumped
A Tile in the game that makes up the 2D map grid.
tileEast - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Tile
The Tile to the 'East' of this one (x+1, y).
tileEast - Variable in class games.coreminer.Tile
The Tile to the 'East' of this one (x+1, y).
tileEast - Variable in class games.necrowar.Tile
The Tile to the 'East' of this one (x+1, y).
tileEast - Variable in class games.newtonian.Tile
The Tile to the 'East' of this one (x+1, y).
tileEast - Variable in class games.pirates.Tile
The Tile to the 'East' of this one (x+1, y).
tileEast - Variable in class games.saloon.Tile
The Tile to the 'East' of this one (x+1, y).
tileEast - Variable in class games.stumped.Tile
The Tile to the 'East' of this one (x+1, y).
tileNorth - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Tile
The Tile to the 'North' of this one (x, y-1).
tileNorth - Variable in class games.coreminer.Tile
The Tile to the 'North' of this one (x, y-1).
tileNorth - Variable in class games.necrowar.Tile
The Tile to the 'North' of this one (x, y-1).
tileNorth - Variable in class games.newtonian.Tile
The Tile to the 'North' of this one (x, y-1).
tileNorth - Variable in class games.pirates.Tile
The Tile to the 'North' of this one (x, y-1).
tileNorth - Variable in class games.saloon.Tile
The Tile to the 'North' of this one (x, y-1).
tileNorth - Variable in class games.stumped.Tile
The Tile to the 'North' of this one (x, y-1).
tiles - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Game
All the tiles in the map, stored in Row-major order.
tiles - Variable in class games.coreminer.Game
All the tiles in the map, stored in Row-major order.
tiles - Variable in class games.necrowar.Game
All the tiles in the map, stored in Row-major order.
tiles - Variable in class games.newtonian.Game
All the tiles in the map, stored in Row-major order.
tiles - Variable in class games.pirates.Game
All the tiles in the map, stored in Row-major order.
tiles - Variable in class games.saloon.Game
All the tiles in the map, stored in Row-major order.
tiles - Variable in class games.stumped.Game
All the tiles in the map, stored in Row-major order.
tileSouth - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Tile
The Tile to the 'South' of this one (x, y+1).
tileSouth - Variable in class games.coreminer.Tile
The Tile to the 'South' of this one (x, y+1).
tileSouth - Variable in class games.necrowar.Tile
The Tile to the 'South' of this one (x, y+1).
tileSouth - Variable in class games.newtonian.Tile
The Tile to the 'South' of this one (x, y+1).
tileSouth - Variable in class games.pirates.Tile
The Tile to the 'South' of this one (x, y+1).
tileSouth - Variable in class games.saloon.Tile
The Tile to the 'South' of this one (x, y+1).
tileSouth - Variable in class games.stumped.Tile
The Tile to the 'South' of this one (x, y+1).
tileWest - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Tile
The Tile to the 'West' of this one (x-1, y).
tileWest - Variable in class games.coreminer.Tile
The Tile to the 'West' of this one (x-1, y).
tileWest - Variable in class games.necrowar.Tile
The Tile to the 'West' of this one (x-1, y).
tileWest - Variable in class games.newtonian.Tile
The Tile to the 'West' of this one (x-1, y).
tileWest - Variable in class games.pirates.Tile
The Tile to the 'West' of this one (x-1, y).
tileWest - Variable in class games.saloon.Tile
The Tile to the 'West' of this one (x-1, y).
tileWest - Variable in class games.stumped.Tile
The Tile to the 'West' of this one (x-1, y).
timeAddedPerTurn - Variable in class games.anarchy.Game
The amount of time (in nano-seconds) added after each player performs a turn.
timeAddedPerTurn - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Game
The amount of time (in nano-seconds) added after each player performs a turn.
timeAddedPerTurn - Variable in class games.checkers.Game
The amount of time (in nano-seconds) added after each player performs a turn.
timeAddedPerTurn - Variable in class games.coreminer.Game
The amount of time (in nano-seconds) added after each player performs a turn.
timeAddedPerTurn - Variable in class games.necrowar.Game
The amount of time (in nano-seconds) added after each player performs a turn.
timeAddedPerTurn - Variable in class games.newtonian.Game
The amount of time (in nano-seconds) added after each player performs a turn.
timeAddedPerTurn - Variable in class games.pirates.Game
The amount of time (in nano-seconds) added after each player performs a turn.
timeAddedPerTurn - Variable in class games.saloon.Game
The amount of time (in nano-seconds) added after each player performs a turn.
timeAddedPerTurn - Variable in class games.spiders.Game
The amount of time (in nano-seconds) added after each player performs a turn.
timeAddedPerTurn - Variable in class games.stardash.Game
The amount of time (in nano-seconds) added after each player performs a turn.
timeAddedPerTurn - Variable in class games.stumped.Game
The amount of time (in nano-seconds) added after each player performs a turn.
timeImmune - Variable in class games.newtonian.Game
The number turns a unit is immune to being stunned.
timer - Variable in class games.coreminer.Bomb
The number of turns before this Bomb explodes.
timeRemaining - Variable in class games.anarchy.Player
The amount of time (in ns) remaining for this AI to send commands.
timeRemaining - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Player
The amount of time (in ns) remaining for this AI to send commands.
timeRemaining - Variable in class games.checkers.Player
The amount of time (in ns) remaining for this AI to send commands.
timeRemaining - Variable in class games.chess.Player
The amount of time (in ns) remaining for this AI to send commands.
timeRemaining - Variable in class games.coreminer.Player
The amount of time (in ns) remaining for this AI to send commands.
timeRemaining - Variable in class games.necrowar.Player
The amount of time (in ns) remaining for this AI to send commands.
timeRemaining - Variable in class games.newtonian.Player
The amount of time (in ns) remaining for this AI to send commands.
timeRemaining - Variable in class games.pirates.Player
The amount of time (in ns) remaining for this AI to send commands.
timeRemaining - Variable in class games.saloon.Player
The amount of time (in ns) remaining for this AI to send commands.
timeRemaining - Variable in class games.spiders.Player
The amount of time (in ns) remaining for this AI to send commands.
timeRemaining - Variable in class games.stardash.Player
The amount of time (in ns) remaining for this AI to send commands.
timeRemaining - Variable in class games.stumped.Player
The amount of time (in ns) remaining for this AI to send commands.
title - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Job
The Job title.
title - Variable in class games.coreminer.Upgrade
The Upgrade title.
title - Variable in class games.necrowar.tJob
The type title.
title - Variable in class games.necrowar.TowerJob
The type title.
title - Variable in class games.necrowar.uJob
The type title.
title - Variable in class games.necrowar.UnitJob
The type title.
title - Variable in class games.newtonian.Job
The Job title.
title - Variable in class games.stardash.Job
The Job title.
title - Variable in class games.stumped.Job
The Job title.
tJob - Class in games.necrowar
Information about a tower's job/type.
tolerance - Variable in class games.saloon.Cowboy
How many times this unit has been drunk before taking their siesta and resetting this to 0.
tower - Variable in class games.necrowar.Tile
The Tower on this Tile if present, otherwise null.
Tower - Class in games.necrowar
A tower in the game.
TowerJob - Class in games.necrowar
Information about a tower's job/type.
towerJobs - Variable in class games.necrowar.Game
A list of every tower type / job.
towers - Variable in class games.necrowar.Game
Every Tower in the game.
towers - Variable in class games.necrowar.Player
Every Tower owned by this player.
transfer(Miner, String, int) - Method in class games.coreminer.Miner
Transfers a resource from the one Miner to another.
transfer(Unit, int, String) - Method in class games.stardash.Unit
Grab materials from a friendly unit.
turnsBetweenAttacks - Variable in class games.necrowar.tJob
How many turns have to take place between this type's attacks.
turnsBetweenAttacks - Variable in class games.necrowar.TowerJob
How many turns have to take place between this type's attacks.
turnsBetweenHarvests - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Game
After a food tile is harvested, the number of turns before it can be harvested again.
turnsBusy - Variable in class games.saloon.Cowboy
How many turns this unit has remaining before it is no longer busy and can `act()` or `play()` again.
turnsDistracted - Variable in class games.stumped.Beaver
Number of turns this Beaver is distracted for (0 means not distracted).
turnsDrunk - Variable in class games.saloon.Game
How many turns a Cowboy will be drunk for if a bottle breaks on it.
turnsToCreateHuman - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Game
The number of turns between fresh humans being spawned on the road.
turnsToDie - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Unit
The number of turns before this Unit dies.
turnsToHarvest - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Tile
The amount of turns before this resource can be harvested.
turnsToLowerHarvest - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Game
The number of turns before the harvest rate is lowered (length of each season basically).
turnsToOrbit - Variable in class games.stardash.Game
The number of turns it takes for a asteroid to orbit the sun.
type - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Structure
The type of Structure this is ('shelter', 'monument', 'wall', 'road', 'neutral').
type - Variable in class games.newtonian.Tile
The type of Tile this is ('normal', 'generator', 'conveyor', or 'spawn').
type - Variable in class games.pirates.Tile
The type of Tile this is ('water' or 'land').
type - Variable in class games.stumped.Spawner
What type of resource this is ('food' or 'branches').
type - Variable in class games.stumped.Tile
What type of Tile this is, either 'water' or 'land'.


uJob - Class in games.necrowar
Information about a unit's job/type.
unit - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Tile
The Unit on this Tile if present, otherwise null.
Unit - Class in games.catastrophe
A unit in the game.
unit - Variable in class games.necrowar.Tile
The Unit on this Tile if present, otherwise null.
Unit - Class in games.necrowar
A unit in the game.
unit - Variable in class games.newtonian.Tile
The Unit on this Tile if present, otherwise null.
Unit - Class in games.newtonian
A unit in the game.
unit - Variable in class games.pirates.Tile
The Unit on this Tile if present, otherwise null.
Unit - Class in games.pirates
A unit group in the game.
Unit - Class in games.stardash
A unit in the game.
unitCost - Variable in class games.stardash.Job
How much money it costs to spawn a unit.
UnitJob - Class in games.necrowar
Information about a unit's job/type.
unitJobs - Variable in class games.necrowar.Game
A list of every unit type / job.
units - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Game
Every Unit in the game.
units - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Player
Every Unit owned by this Player.
units - Variable in class games.necrowar.Game
Every Unit in the game.
units - Variable in class games.necrowar.Player
Every Unit owned by this Player.
units - Variable in class games.newtonian.Game
Every Unit in the game.
units - Variable in class games.newtonian.Player
Every Unit owned by this Player.
units - Variable in class games.pirates.Game
Every Unit in the game.
units - Variable in class games.pirates.Player
Every Unit owned by this Player.
units - Variable in class games.stardash.Game
Every Unit in the game.
units - Variable in class games.stardash.Player
Every Unit owned by this Player.
upgrade() - Method in class games.coreminer.Miner
Upgrade this Miner by installing an upgrade module.
Upgrade - Class in games.coreminer
Information about a Miner's Upgrade module.
upgradeLevel - Variable in class games.coreminer.Miner
The upgrade level of this Miner.
upgradePrice - Variable in class games.coreminer.Game
The cost to upgrade a Miner.
upgrades - Variable in class games.coreminer.Game
Every Upgrade for a Miner in the game.
upkeep - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Job
The amount of food per turn this Unit consumes.
upkeep - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Player
The total upkeep of every Unit owned by this Player.


value - Variable in class games.coreminer.Player
The amount of value (victory points) this Player has gained.
victoryAmount - Variable in class games.coreminer.Game
The amount of victory points (value) required to win.
victoryAmount - Variable in class games.newtonian.Game
The amount of combined heat and pressure that you need to win.
victoryPoints - Variable in class games.stardash.Player
The number of victory points the player has.


wallMaterials - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Game
The number of materials in a wall.
Warehouse - Class in games.anarchy
A typical abandoned warehouse that anarchists hang out in and can be bribed to burn down Buildings.
warehouses - Variable in class games.anarchy.Player
All the warehouses owned by this player.
weaken(Web) - Method in class games.spiders.Weaver
Weaves more silk into an existing Web to strengthen it.
weakeningWeb - Variable in class games.spiders.Weaver
The Web that this Weaver is weakening.
WeatherStation - Class in games.anarchy
Can be bribed to change the next Forecast in some way.
weatherStations - Variable in class games.anarchy.Player
All the WeatherStations owned by this player.
weavePower - Variable in class games.spiders.Game
How much web strength is added or removed from Webs when they are weaved.
Weaver - Class in games.spiders
A Spiderling that can alter existing Webs by weaving to add or remove silk from the Webs, thus altering its strength.
weaveSpeed - Variable in class games.spiders.Game
The speed at which Weavers work to do strengthens and weakens on Webs.
Web - Class in games.spiders
A connection (edge) to a Nest (node) in the game that Spiders can converge on (regardless of owner).
webs - Variable in class games.spiders.Game
Every Web in the game.
webs - Variable in class games.spiders.Nest
Webs that connect to this Nest.
withdraw() - Method in class games.pirates.Unit
Defaults the value for the optional arg 'amount' to '0'
withdraw(int) - Method in class games.pirates.Unit
Takes gold from the Player.
won - Variable in class games.anarchy.Player
If the player won the game or not.
won - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Player
If the player won the game or not.
won - Variable in class games.checkers.Player
If the player won the game or not.
won - Variable in class games.chess.Player
If the player won the game or not.
won - Variable in class games.coreminer.Player
If the player won the game or not.
won - Variable in class games.necrowar.Player
If the player won the game or not.
won - Variable in class games.newtonian.Player
If the player won the game or not.
won - Variable in class games.pirates.Player
If the player won the game or not.
won - Variable in class games.saloon.Player
If the player won the game or not.
won - Variable in class games.spiders.Player
If the player won the game or not.
won - Variable in class games.stardash.Player
If the player won the game or not.
won - Variable in class games.stumped.Player
If the player won the game or not.
worked - Variable in class games.newtonian.Machine
Tracks how many times this machine has been worked.
workRemaining - Variable in class games.spiders.Spiderling
How much work needs to be done for this Spiderling to finish being busy.


x - Variable in class games.anarchy.Building
The location of the Building along the x-axis.
x - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Tile
The x (horizontal) position of this Tile.
x - Variable in class games.checkers.Checker
The x coordinate of the checker.
x - Variable in class games.coreminer.Tile
The x (horizontal) position of this Tile.
x - Variable in class games.necrowar.Tile
The x (horizontal) position of this Tile.
x - Variable in class games.newtonian.Tile
The x (horizontal) position of this Tile.
x - Variable in class games.pirates.Tile
The x (horizontal) position of this Tile.
x - Variable in class games.saloon.Tile
The x (horizontal) position of this Tile.
x - Variable in class games.spiders.Nest
The X coordinate of the Nest.
x - Variable in class games.stardash.Body
The x value this celestial body is on.
x - Variable in class games.stardash.Projectile
The x value this projectile is on.
x - Variable in class games.stardash.Unit
The x value this unit is on.
x - Variable in class games.stumped.Tile
The x (horizontal) position of this Tile.


y - Variable in class games.anarchy.Building
The location of the Building along the y-axis.
y - Variable in class games.catastrophe.Tile
The y (vertical) position of this Tile.
y - Variable in class games.checkers.Checker
The y coordinate of the checker.
y - Variable in class games.coreminer.Tile
The y (vertical) position of this Tile.
y - Variable in class games.necrowar.Tile
The y (vertical) position of this Tile.
y - Variable in class games.newtonian.Tile
The y (vertical) position of this Tile.
y - Variable in class games.pirates.Tile
The y (vertical) position of this Tile.
y - Variable in class games.saloon.Tile
The y (vertical) position of this Tile.
y - Variable in class games.spiders.Nest
The Y coordinate of the Nest.
y - Variable in class games.stardash.Body
The y value this celestial body is on.
y - Variable in class games.stardash.Projectile
The y value this projectile is on.
y - Variable in class games.stardash.Unit
The y value this unit is on.
y - Variable in class games.stumped.Tile
The y (vertical) position of this Tile.
yDirection - Variable in class games.checkers.Player
The direction your checkers must go along the y-axis until kinged.
youngGun - Variable in class games.saloon.Player
The YoungGun this Player uses to call in new Cowboys.
youngGun - Variable in class games.saloon.Tile
The YoungGun on this tile, null otherwise.
YoungGun - Class in games.saloon
An eager young person that wants to join your gang, and will call in the veteran Cowboys you need to win the brawl in the saloon.
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Java Joueur Client Documentation