Class: Game

Stardash. Game

Collect of the most of the rarest mineral orbiting around the sun and out-compete your competitor.

new Stardash.Game()

Initializes a Game with basic logic as provided by the Creer code generator. Never use this directly. It is for internal Joueur use.


  • BaseGame


Array.<Stardash.Body> bodies

All the celestial bodies in the game. The first two are planets and the third is the sun. The fourth is the VP asteroid. Everything else is normal asteroids.

Stardash.Player currentPlayer

The player whose turn it is currently. That player can send commands. Other players cannot.

number currentTurn

The current turn number, starting at 0 for the first player's turn.

number dashCost

The cost of dashing.

number dashDistance

The distance traveled each turn by dashing.

Object.<string, Stardash.GameObject> gameObjects

A mapping of every game object's ID to the actual game object. Primarily used by the server and client to easily refer to the game objects via ID.

number genariumValue

The value of every unit of genarium.

Array.<Stardash.Job> jobs

A list of all jobs. The first element is corvette, second is missileboat, third is martyr, fourth is transport, and fifth is miner.

number legendariumValue

The value of every unit of legendarium.

number maxAsteroid

The highest amount of material, that can be in a asteroid.

number maxTurns

The maximum number of turns before the game will automatically end.

number minAsteroid

The smallest amount of material, that can be in a asteroid.

number miningSpeed

The rate at which miners grab minerals from asteroids.

number mythiciteAmount

The amount of mythicite that spawns at the start of the game.

string name

The name of the game.

number orbitsProtected

The number of orbit updates you cannot mine the mithicite asteroid.

number oreRarityGenarium

The rarity modifier of the most common ore. This controls how much spawns.

number oreRarityLegendarium

The rarity modifier of the rarest ore. This controls how much spawns.

number oreRarityRarium

The rarity modifier of the second rarest ore. This controls how much spawns.

number planetEnergyCap

The amount of energy a planet can hold at once.

number planetRechargeRate

The amount of energy the planets restore each round.

Array.<Stardash.Player> players

List of all the players in the game.

number projectileRadius

The standard size of ships.

Array.<Stardash.Projectile> projectiles

Every projectile in the game.

number projectileSpeed

The amount of distance missiles travel through space.

number rariumValue

The value of every unit of rarium.

number regenerateRate

The regeneration rate of asteroids.

string session

A unique identifier for the game instance that is being played.

number shipRadius

The standard size of ships.

number sizeX

The size of the map in the X direction.

number sizeY

The size of the map in the Y direction.

number timeAddedPerTurn

The amount of time (in nano-seconds) added after each player performs a turn.

number turnsToOrbit

The number of turns it takes for a asteroid to orbit the sun. (Asteroids move after each players turn).

Array.<Stardash.Unit> units

Every Unit in the game.