Class: Job

Stardash. Job

Information about a unit's job.

new Stardash.Job()

Initializes a Job with basic logic as provided by the Creer code generator. Never use this directly. It is for internal Joueur use.



number carryLimit

How many combined resources a unit with this Job can hold at once.

number damage

The amount of damage this Job does per attack.

number energy

The amount of starting health this Job has.

string gameObjectName

Inherited From:
String representing the top level Class that this game object is an instance of. Used for reflection to create new instances on clients, but exposed for convenience should AIs want this data.

string id

Inherited From:
A unique id for each instance of a GameObject or a sub class. Used for client and server communication. Should never change value after being set.

Array.<string> logs

Inherited From:
Any strings logged will be stored here. Intended for debugging.

number moves

The distance this job can move per turn.

number range

The distance at which this job can effect things.

number shield

The reserve the martyr use to protect allies.

string title

The Job title. 'corvette', 'missileboat', 'martyr', 'transport', or 'miner'. (in this order from 0-4).

number unitCost

How much money it costs to spawn a unit.



Inherited From:
Adds a message to this GameObject's logs. Intended for your own debugging purposes, as strings stored here are saved in the gamelog.
Name Type Description
message string A string to add to this GameObject's log. Intended for debugging.

string toString()

Inherited From:
toString override for easier debugging
Returns: string
readable string in the format `GameObjectName #id`